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Chemistry Computer Lab Activity for 11/10/2015 Daniel R. Barnes, Instructor Instructions: Center the text above on the page and increase its font size.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry Computer Lab Activity for 11/10/2015 Daniel R. Barnes, Instructor Instructions: Center the text above on the page and increase its font size."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry Computer Lab Activity for 11/10/2015 Daniel R. Barnes, Instructor Instructions: Center the text above on the page and increase its font size to 48. Change its fill to yellow with 45% transparency Find a nice picture on the Internet that shows something about something we’ve been studying lately. Paste it onto this page and enlarge it to take up the whole space. If the text box above isn’t already in front of your enlarged picture, bring the text box to the front. Call Mr. Barnes over when you think you’re done. Tell him what you’ve made.

2 Instructions: Make a white circle and put “Na + ” in it, font size 36 Make a larger light green circle and put “Cl - ” in it, font size 36. Place the two circles side-by side so they touch. Align the middles of the circles. Group them. Using duplicate, copy and paste, or whatever works, turn that one formula unit of sodium chloride into a whole crystal lattice. I expect to see at least eight white circles and eight green circles when you’re done.

3 Instructions: Make a light grey circle. Write “Ag + ” in it, font size 36. Make a much, much smaller yellow circle. Write a minus sign in it, big enough to almost span the width of the circle. Now that you have a silver cation and an electron, copy and paste or duplicate your silver cation until you have about sixteen of them or so arranged in a neat, orderly pattern, with a decent amount of space, but not too much, in between them. Copy and paste your electron once. Place the two copies anywhere in the white space of this page. Give one of them a scribbled motion path (a type of “custom animation”) so that it wanders around the cations at “very slow” speed and ends up where it started. Set the animation settings to that it keeps repeating forever and doesn’t need a button press to start it. Okay, now copy the un-animated copy and place it somewhere and animate it. Keep going until you have as many wandering electrons as you have silver cations, each electron wandering on its own path forever and ever.

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