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FPMA #3 Review. How to Play The question will appear on the screen. Discuss the question as a group and have one person write down your answer. I will.

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Presentation on theme: "FPMA #3 Review. How to Play The question will appear on the screen. Discuss the question as a group and have one person write down your answer. I will."— Presentation transcript:

1 FPMA #3 Review

2 How to Play The question will appear on the screen. Discuss the question as a group and have one person write down your answer. I will check everyone’s answers and display the correct answer on the powerpoint. If you get the question right, you send ONE person from your team to choose a sticky note. If you get the question wrong, you don’t get to choose a sticky note. The team with the most points at the end of the game gets candy! :)

3 Question 1 What do the letters in PEEL stand for?

4 Answer 1 Point Evidence Elaboration Link

5 Question 2 What is a claim and which paragraph does it go in?

6 Answer 2 The claim is your answer to the prompt and it guides your essay. The claim should ALWAYS go in your first paragraph.

7 Question 3 What are the 3 things you should include in your introduction?

8 Answer 3 The topic Your claim Lead into the body/your argument

9 Question 4 What is elaboration and why is it important? (Other than because it improves your score)

10 Answer 4 Elaboration explains how your quote supports your claim. It’s important because it explains the connection between your evidence and your claim.

11 Question 5 Should you include evidence in your introduction or conclusion? Why or why not?

12 Answer 5 No, because your evidence belongs in the body paragraphs.

13 Question 6 What is the highest possible number score you can earn on the writing test?

14 Answer 6 The highest score you can earn is a 10. The lowest score you can earn is a 2.

15 Question 7 What is ONE reason you could receive an “unscorable” on the writing test?

16 Answer 7 Essay does not answer the prompt. Essay is too difficult to read. Not enough was written to be scored (one paragraph or less).

17 Question 8 If you are running out of time and you are not done, what should you do?

18 Answer 8 Wrap up the paragraph you were writing and write a short conclusion (2 sentences at least).

19 Question 9 How many minutes should you spend on each part of the essay process? (Planning, writing, revising)

20 Answer 9 Spend 30 minutes on each part. Pay attention to the time while you write!

21 Question 10 Which of these words can you use in your paper: a. “My” b. “You” c. “We” d. None of these

22 Answer 10 D. None of these “You”, “I”, “Me”, “My”, “We”, and “Us” are not allowed anywhere in your paper! (Unless they are used in a quote from one of your sources)

23 Question 11 How many quotes should you include in your essay?

24 Answer 11 At least one quote from each source.

25 Question 12 Do you have to cite all of your evidence? What do you need to include in your citation?

26 Answer 12 Yes! Cite all of your evidence! Include the source number and paragraph number in your citation.

27 Question 13 What are the two types of essays you might have to write?

28 Answer 13 Informative or Argumentative Argumentative essays ask you to choose between two sides. Informative essays ask you to answer a question. There is NO counterclaim for an informative essay.

29 Question 14 The prompt will have clue words that tell you which essay you are supposed to write. For each word write if it’s a clue for an “argumentative” or “informative” essay: a. “Prove” b. “Explain” c. “Discuss” d. “Persuade”

30 Answer 14 A.“Prove” - Argumentative B.“Explain” - Informative C.“Discuss” - Informative D.“Persuade” - Argumentative

31 Read the Passage: “As a new year begins, American parents should join First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign for healthier school lunches. Research shows that offering more nutritious school lunches leads to healthier, happier kids. Academic success is also linked to healthier school lunches.”

32 Question 15 Which of these is the BEST EVIDENCE to support the author’s claim? a. “Nutritious school lunches show a link to higher test scores.” b. “1 in 3 children are overweight or obese.” c. “More than 30 million kids participated in 2013’s National Day of Play.”

33 Answer 15 A is the best answer, “Nutritious school lunches show a link to higher test scores.” Why is this quote better than the others?

34 Question 16 Which of these is a good counterclaim to the passage? a. “Michelle Obama’s school lunch plan does not work because surveys show it does not have parent support.” b. “If kids don’t exercise then there’s no point in changing school lunches.” c. “Healthy food is gross and kids won’t eat it, so Michelle Obama’s school lunch plan won’t work.”

35 Answer 16 A is best, “Michelle Obama’s school lunch plan does not work because studies show it does not have parent support.” What is wrong with the other two quotes?

36 Question 17 Write a sentence that argues against the counterclaim. “Michelle Obama’s school lunch plan does not work because studies show it does not have parent support.”

37 Question 18 Who believes you are absolutely ready for this FPMA and will write an amazing essay? a. You do! b. Mrs. Van Dyke c. Everyone who knows how hard you work in language arts d. All of the above

38 Answer 18 D. ALL OF THE ABOVE! I am proud of your effort in class and I will always be proud as long as you try your best! :) -Mrs. Van Dyke

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