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Kyoto Protocol. Objective Have various industrialized countries reduce their carbon emissions to below 1990 levels Almost all industrialized countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyoto Protocol. Objective Have various industrialized countries reduce their carbon emissions to below 1990 levels Almost all industrialized countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyoto Protocol

2 Objective Have various industrialized countries reduce their carbon emissions to below 1990 levels Almost all industrialized countries are a part of the treaty however not all of them have agreed to what it says.



5 Loopholes Country can buy carbon form other countries They can plant trees in other countries or their own to catch carbon Trees become part of the calculation Who is to enforce it? Developing nations were left out on purpose

6 USA While they signed under Bill Clinton they have protested it under George Bush. This country maybe the reason why Kyoto is dead in the water and why it will not go into effect.

7 Russia One of the better examples of what is wrong with Kyoto. 1991 the Soviet Union fell and with most of Russia’s industry. This means that while is part of Kyoto they start ahead of the game because they no longer have a large amount of industry Kyoto would benefit Russia through the selling off of their Carbon Credits.

8 Canada While signed and ratified Prime Minster Harper has said we would not honour our commitment. It would put our oil industry in jeopardy and hurt our economy. Canada does have a lot of trees to off set carbon and some think it would only help us to be involved.


10 Biggest gains and falls

11 My problems China and India Australia and Iceland

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