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Created & Modified by: DeMarco/Klenkel Cape St. Claire Elementary, AACPS 3 rd Grade 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Created & Modified by: DeMarco/Klenkel Cape St. Claire Elementary, AACPS 3 rd Grade 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created & Modified by: DeMarco/Klenkel Cape St. Claire Elementary, AACPS 3 rd Grade 2014-2015

2 Jacob’s Ladder Just like we climb up a ladder, we “climb up” in understanding text. - Talk with your teammates about what makes a poem different than prose?

3 Vocabulary Review O Abandoned: deserted, empty O O’er: over O Deserted: empty, abandoned, remote O Gazes: stares, looks O Austere: serious, unsmiling

4 Remembering - Pause after each stanza and discuss in your own words.

5 Group/Partner Read

6 Personification ( Rung 1) O Personification is a literary term used when writers give human characteristics to objects. O What object shows personification in the poem? O Turn and Talk O Highlight or circle the qualities O Create a comic strip of the house’s human characteristics.

7 “I’m so lonely”

8 Inferencing (Rung 2) BK + TC = I Why do you think the house feels sad and lonely? _________ + __________ = I

9 Rung 2 (Inferencing Continued…) O Do you think the house would prefer to return to “days of love?” Why or why not? Use lines from the poem to support your inference. Complete independently on your ladder

10 Theme/Concept (Rung 3) O With your group determine if the change the house experienced was positive or negative. Why? O Write your thoughts on your paper. O Independently: write a diary entry as the house saying why you are sad.

11 Socratic Seminar O How and why can memories made us sad? O How does laughter and song effect the mood of our lives? O How can memories shape our present experience?

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