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Please draw this graphic organizer in your notes!

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3 Please draw this graphic organizer in your notes!

4 Please add this information to your notes. Please write 2 examples and non- examples of your own.


6 Are you S.M.A.R.T?  Is this goal specific? Why or why not? 1.I want to read better. 2.I want to memorize the school fight song on my clarinet. 3.I want to run a 7 minute mile.




10 Are you S.M.A.R.T?  Is this goal Measurable? Why or why not? 1.I want to increase my vocabulary. 2.I want learn all of my Spanish vocabulary words in this unit. 3.I want to know how to apply the quadratic equation.




14 Are you S.M.A.R.T?  Why is it important to set realistic goals?

15 Are you S.M.A.R.T?  Why is tomorrow or even next week sometimes too short of a timeframe?  Why is next month or next year sometimes too long of a timeframe?  Why is it important to set a time limit on your goals?


17 Write your own SMART goal!

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