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South Asia. India  Economy  Developing Open-Market Economy  Major exports: Petroleum, precious stones, machinery, iron/steel  Imports: Crude oil,

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Presentation on theme: "South Asia. India  Economy  Developing Open-Market Economy  Major exports: Petroleum, precious stones, machinery, iron/steel  Imports: Crude oil,"— Presentation transcript:

1 South Asia

2 India  Economy  Developing Open-Market Economy  Major exports: Petroleum, precious stones, machinery, iron/steel  Imports: Crude oil, fertilizer  Political System  Federal Republic  Culture  Religions: Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, native/tribal  Languages: Hindi, Bengali, English, native/tribal.  Population  1.2 Billion (2 nd in the World)

3 India  Historical rule  Rule under Mughal Empire (16 th C.)  British colonial rule from Mid-1800’s to 1947 (independence)  Influence of East India Company  Official end of caste system  Continued through cultural tradition

4 Caste System  A system of social stratification and social restriction that divided Indian society into hereditary groups called Jati’s. (4 groups; 1 exclusionary caste)  Although identified with Hindu society, not specific to the Hindu religion.  3,500 years of cultural tradition

5 Caste System  Upper social class  Priests  Academics  Politicians

6 Caste System  2 nd highest class  Royalty  Warriors

7 Caste System  3 rd highest class  Merchants  Landowners

8 Caste System  Lowest social class  Commoners  Peasants  Servants

9 Caste System  Outcasts- outsiders below caste system  Street sweepers  Restroom cleaners  Not considered part of social stratification





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