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European Renaissance and Reformation Kick-starting the rise of the West.

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Presentation on theme: "European Renaissance and Reformation Kick-starting the rise of the West."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Renaissance and Reformation Kick-starting the rise of the West.

2 Italian Renaissance The rebirth of art and learning from 1300CE to 1600CE in northern Italy.

3 Why Italy? Italy Fostered the Renaissance: o Thriving Cities and A Wealthy Merchant Class Thanks in Large Part to the Crusades o The Classical Heritage of Greece and Rome Foundation of the Renaissance: o Humanism – focus on human potential and achievements Widened the gap between religious and secular institutions o Patrons – church leaders and wealthy merchants who financially supported artists

4 The Ninja Turtles Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Rafael

5 Donatello 1386- 1466CE Donatello made sculpture more realistic by carving natural postures and expressions that reveal personality o Sculpture David Perspective – a technique that creates the appearance of three dimensions

6 Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519CE The archetype of the Renaissance Man - A painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist o Deeply interested in how things worked Best known for the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper

7 Michelangelo 1475- 1564CE A painter, sculptor, architect, and poet o Explored the Renaissance theme of human potential Three Greatest Works: o St. Peter ’ s Basilica o Sistine Chapel o David

8 Sistine Chapel

9 Raphael Studied the works of Leonardo and Michelangelo Most famous work called School of Athens

10 The Northern Renaissance Finally began once the Hundred Years War finished.

11 Renaissance Writers Desiderius Erasmus of Holland o Believed in Christianity of the heart, not one of ceremonies or rules o People should study the Bible to improve society Thomas Moore of England o Wrote the book Utopia about an imaginary land full of peace- loving people Place where greed, corruption, war, and crime had been weeded out

12 William Shakespeare Wrote in Renaissance England o Also called the Elizabethan Age for Queen Elizabeth I who was in power at the time Plays displayed a masterful command of the English language and a deep understanding of human beings Known for Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night ’ s Dream, and King Lear

13 Gutenberg ’ s Bible Johann Gutenberg, from Germany, reinvented movable type around 1440AD o He then invented the printing press Printing press – a machine that presses paper against a tray full of inked movable type Using the printing press, Gutenberg printed a complete Bible in 1455AD Printing press could produce hundreds of copies of books and made them very cheap o Spread learning throughout the Renaissance world

14 The Effects of the Renaissance 1.Created gradual but widespread educational reform through use of vernacular language 2.Developed the conventions of diplomacy 3.Increased the reliance on scientific observation 4.Leads to the Reformation, Scientific Revolution, Exploration, and the Enlightenment

15 The Reformation The ideas of the Humanists, along with the Bible being printed for cheap and in the local vernacular, helped spur the reform of the Catholic Church.

16 Martin Luther A monk who taught scripture at the University of Wittenberg in Germany Luther wanted to take action against a friar who was selling indulgences to raise money for a cathedral o Indulgence – a pardon that released a sinner from their action

17 Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” Luther wrote 95 Theses, or formal statements, attacking the “pardon- merchants” and posted it on the castle door in Wittenberg His teachings rested on three main ideas: o People could win salvation only by faith. o All Church teachings should be based on the Bible. o People did not need the priests to interpret the Bible for them. Protestants o German Princes protesting against the Catholic Church and siding with Luther

18 The English Reformation Henry VIII and the Act of Supremacy o Edward VI and Queen Mary I Elizabeth I o She inherited the throne in 1558 Two Great Events Occurred During Her Reign: o Created the Church of England (Anglican Church) Merged Protestant and Catholic services to create a compromise of the two religious sects o Destroyed the Spanish Armanda in 1588

19 The Catholic Counter Reformation The Church responds.

20 Catholic Counter-Reformation Catholic Counter-Reformation – a movement to help Catholics remain loyal to the Catholic Church Ignatius of Loyola o In 1540, the pope made Ignatius ’ s followers a religious order called the Society of Jesus and members were called Jesuits o Concentrated on three activities: Founded schools in Europe Convert non-Christians to Catholicism Stop Protestantism from spreading

21 Council of Trent Pope Paul III and church leaders met to agree on several new doctrines of the Church o Founded seminaries for the proper training of priests o Reformed religious life by returning to spiritual foundations o Created new spiritual movements focused on the devotional life and personal relationships with Christ o Involved political activities like the Roman Inquisition

22 Thirty Years War Conflict between the Catholics and the Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire (today largely Germany) Ended the Reformation with the Peace of Westphalia o Each Prince would determine their own religion o Practice your denomination without persecution o Ended the Pope’s pan-European political power

23 Effects of the Reformation 1.Religion no longer united Europe 2.Individual monarchs and states gained power over the Church 3.Laid the groundwork for the rejection of Christian belief 4.Helped spur the Scientific Revolution, Age of Exploration, and the Enlightenment

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