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1. In 3-5 sentences, describe the Protestant Reformation. 2. What are clergy?

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Presentation on theme: "1. In 3-5 sentences, describe the Protestant Reformation. 2. What are clergy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. In 3-5 sentences, describe the Protestant Reformation. 2. What are clergy?

2 I can compare and contrast the Catholic and Protestant Reformation. 7.57 Analyze how the Catholic Counter- Reformation revitalized the Catholic Church and the forces that fostered the movement, including St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits, and the Council of Trent.

3 As the Reformation spread in the later 1500s and 1600s, Catholic leaders responded. Their effort to stop the spread of Protestantism and to reform the Catholic Church from within was known as the Catholic Reformation or the Counter Reformation

4 Even before the Catholic Reformation, Spain’s rulers had been battling to drive non- Catholics from their lands. In 1492 the king and queen defeated the last Muslim forces in Spain. They then forced all the remaining Jews and Muslims to convert to Catholicism. What was this called? – The Inquisiiton

5 The Spanish inquisition later sought out Protestants Once Spain punished all of the Jews, Muslims, and the Protestants…the Catholic Church had no opponents.

6 In other parts of Europe, Catholic leaders were responding to the criticisms of Protestants. Some tried to change church policy Some, like Spain, tried to stop the spread of new teachings Catholic reformers created new religious orders, or communities, in southern Europe. They wanted to win people back to the Catholic Church.

7 The first of the new orders was founded in 1534 by a Spanish noble, Saint Ignatius of Loyola. This new order was the society of Jesuits. Jesuits were a religious order created to serve the pope and the church. Ignatius had fought as a knight, and the Jesuits were trained to be as disciplined as a soldiers in their religious duties.

8 By teaching about Catholic ideas, Jesuits hoped people would turn back to Catholicism. Jesuits ended up becoming some of Catholicism’s greatest missionaries – Greatest was St. Francis Xavier Converted many in Asia

9 Created in 1535 by Angela Merici Was just like the Jesuits in that it thought Catholic education was key – However they concentrated on educating girls rather than boys

10 Many Catholic leaders felt more change was needed. They called together the Council of Trent, a group of church leaders in Trent, Italy. Clergy came across Europe to discuss, debate, and eventually reform Catholic teachings.

11 The council restated the importance of the clergy in interpreting the Bible, but it created new rules that clergy had to follow. One new rule said that bishops had to live in the area that they oversaw. The council also officially condemned the ideas of the Protestant leaders. Finally they made sure there was a clear distinction between Catholic and Protestant beliefs and practices

12 Some Catholic Reformation leaders wanted to punish Protestants as heretics. To lead this campaign, the pope created religious courts to punish any Protestant in Italy. He also made a list of books that were ‘dangerous’ to read. People reading the books could be excommunicated from the Catholic Church!

13 These changes did little to slow the Protestant movement However these changes did strengthen the Catholic church in countries that already had high loyalty Punishments seemed to drive people away from the church so they were quickly stopped For many years tensions between Catholics and Protestants were high in Europe – Even had several problems here in America

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