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IMPERIALISM. l Domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region.

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2 l Domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region.

3 A. Reasons why Europe wanted land in Africa? l 1. markets for manufactured goods l 2. raw materials l a. colonizers wanted mother country to be self-sufficient

4 l 3. nationalism l a. love of one's country--pride l b. "sun never sets on the British flag" l 4. religion l a. spread Christianity to the unfortunate

5 l 5. "whiteman's burden" l a. moral responsibility to civilize indigenous peoples l b. a poem by Rudyard Kipling mentioned this as a duty

6 l 6. who is the best without going to war?? l a. this was one way to keep score

7 B. two areas not conquered l 1. Ethiopia l a. Aduwa or Adwa in 1896 l b. Italians tried to conquer the area--marched troops in

8 l c. to everyone's surprise they were defeated by the Ethiopians l d. Europeans defeated by Africans

9 l 2. Liberia l a. settled by freed US slaves and US used its influence to keep it from being colonized

10 l Direct Rule- French- local elite were removed from power and replaced with a new set of officials. l Indirect Rule- British-used local rulers

11 Indirect Rule l A fraud because: –British administrators made all the major decisions. The native rulers enforce them. –Kept the old African elite in power-no opportunity for young talented Africans –Class and tribal tensions

12 Y.T.T.W. l Explain three reasons why European countries wanted to take over countries in Africa. Determine if you agree with direct or indirect rule. Why?

13 C. Sphere of Influence l 1. a region where one nation had special, sometimes exclusive economic and political privileges that were recognized by other nations

14 C. Sphere of Influence l 2. this was the particular case in China l a. Europeans were not able to control the country so they just wanted economic control of an area

15 D. Open Door Policy l 1. as a result of the sphere of influence the US had been effectively shut out

16 l 2. Sec. of State Hay sent a note to European nations and Japan stating: –a. everyone should and could trade in China anywhere –b. no nation would claim exclusive trading rights

17 l 3. no nation wanted to or intended to observe the policy but it went into effect l 4. result was open and equal trading most of the time

18 E. Boxer Rebellion 1900 l 1. led by a patriotic group known as the "Righteous Fists" l 2. had been attacks on ruling government, the Manchus l a. widespread corruption

19 l 3. the Manchus tried to channel attacks on foreigners especially the missionaries l 4. rebellion put down by the combined forces of Europe, US and Japan –a. this was one time when the foreigners were able to band together, cooperate

20 l 5. China forced to pay an indemnity, station troops in China and open new ports for trading


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