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Japanese Haikus World Literature.

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1 Japanese Haikus World Literature

2 What the heck is a haiku? Haiku is pronounced like HA-KOO.
Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that started in the 1640’s with a poet named, Matsuo Basho.

3 Characteristics of Haiku
An English-language haiku typically consists of 17 syllables. The format is composed of 3 lines. Each line follows the sequence pattern of syllables. Two simple subjects are often placed in juxtaposition. These 2 images are usually separated by punctuation. Haiku often contains a seasonal reference. Poems are traditionally about nature or the natural world.

4 The famous and the serious
Over the wintry forest, winds howl in rage with no leaves to blow. - Soseki

5 The Famous and The Serious
The wren Earns his living Noiselessly. - Issa

6 The Famous and The Serious
From time to time The clouds give rest To the moon-beholders. - Bashō

7 The Famous and The Serious
Over-ripe sushi, The Master Is full of regret. - Buson

8 The Famous and The Serious
Consider me As one who loved poetry And persimmons. - Shiki

9 The Famous and the Serious
I have looked at you In millions of ways and I Have loved you in each. - Unknown

10 The Famous and The Serious
In the cicada's cry No sign can foretell How soon it must die. - Bashō

11 The Famous and The Serious
I was a puzzle Hiding in a dusty box Missing your pieces. - Unknown

12 The Famous and The Serious
Blowing from the west Fallen leaves gather In the east. - Buson

13 The Famous and The Serious
My life, - How much more of it remains? The night is brief. - Shiki

14 The Famous and The Serious
An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond, Splash! Silence again. - Bashō

15 The famous and the serious
I kill an ant and realize my three children have been watching. - Kato Shuson

16 The famous and the serious
In the twilight rain these brilliant-hued hibiscus - A lovely sunset - Bashō

17 The famous and the serious
Don’t weep, insects – Lovers, stars themselves, Must part. - Issa

18 The Funny and The Creative
How much can I fit Into a haiku format Oh no I’m out of

19 The Funny and The Creative
Haikus are easy Sometimes they don’t make sense Refrigerator

20 The Funny and The Creative
I wake, reluctant; Too cold to get out of bed But I need to pee.

21 The Funny and The Creative
Retired teacher Once told me puns weren’t funny Complete lack of class

22 The Funny and The Creative
Vienna sausage “Unhealthiness in a can” My doctor said so

23 The Funny and The Creative
Five syllables here. Seven syllables there. Are you happy now?

24 The Funny and The Creative
I see you driving Round town with the girl I love And I’m like haiku

25 When you think you are complete, review your work.
Now Let’s write Our own. 2nd Block – 3 Haikus You must write three haikus total. One of them should be about nature. One of them should be funny. One of them should be serious (topic is your choice). 4th Block – 4 Haikus You must write four haikus total. Two of them should be serious. With at least one about nature Two of them should be funny. When you think you are complete, review your work. Make sure your haikus fit the syllable pattern. Then have a teacher approve them.

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