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Stochastic processes for hydrological optimization problems

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1 Stochastic processes for hydrological optimization problems
Geoffrey Pritchard University of Auckland

2 Prologue: Iterated Function Systems
Consider the following Markov process in the plane: These were fashionable a while ago, when fractals were all the rage. (Each step is randomly chosen from a finite list of affine transformations, independently of previous steps.)











13 (Is this useful for anything, besides (maybe) computer graphics?)

14 Hydro scheduling – an optimal control problem
random inflows state variables: stored energy control variables: outflows A whole sub-branch of this field is concerned with the question: what would it look like if the market were not workably competitive? Control water releases over time to maximize value. As a workably competitive market would do.

15 Hydro scheduling – an optimal control problem
statistics OR Might seem to divide cleanly into an optimization part (for the OR folk) and a time-series modelling part (for the statisticians to get their teeth into). But they interact. How not to do it: 1. Develop a stochastic model of inflows. 2. Optimize releases versus the given inflow-generating process.

16 Why develop a model of inflows?
Why not just use the historical data non-parametrically? Small dataset. e.g. autumn : - Mar ~ 1620 MW - Apr ~ 2280 MW - May ~ 4010 MW Past years (if any) with this exact sequence are not a reliable forecast for June 2014. A model allows events to be more extreme than anything in the data The worst event ever observed is not the worst possible

17 Time/information structure
Week t-1 Week t Week t+1 min (present cost) + E[ future cost ] s.t. satisfy demand, etc. with stored energy + random inflow Xt E Each stage subproblem is a random optimization problem. Stage t subproblem is solved with knowledge of Xt, but not of the future. Weekly stages might be good, continuous time worse.

18 E Optimization gt-1(y) =
Week t-1 Week t Week t+1 minu (present cost)(u) + gt(u) s.t. satisfy demand, etc. with (stored energy)(y) + random inflow Xt E gt-1(y) = Let gt(u) = expected cost of consequences after week t of doing u in week t. Essential observation is that is convexity-preserving. so all optimizations can be of convex functions, i.e. tractable. Computationally, convex subproblems -> linear programs. The essential divide in optimization is not linear/nonlinear or discrete/continuous, it’s convex/nonconvex.

19 Model me this... (the upper Waitaki catchment)
~ 20% of NZ electricity derives from precipitation in this region Rainfall + summer snowmelt from Southern Alps. Tekapo A Tekapo B Ohau A Ohau B Ohau C Disproportionate contribution from high elevations about Main Divide. Different physical processes at different times of year. Benmore Aviemore Waitaki

20 Waitaki catchment above Benmore dam, weekly, 1948-2010
Inflow data Waitaki catchment above Benmore dam, weekly, The summer/winter variation in magnitude can be even greater in other parts of the world, e.g. Norway (no low-elevation rain in winter) or tropical climates (well-defined wet season). Strong seasonal dependence 3:1 ratio between midsummer high/midwinter low.

21 Serial dependence Weather patterns persist
increases probability of shortage/spill. Typical correlation length ~ several weeks (but varying seasonally). convenient for optimization (cf. e.g. Brazil).

22 Extreme values Hydro-scheduling is sensitive to extremes of inflow (in both tails). Low inflow -> reservoirs run dry (the most momentous thing that can happen) High inflow -> economic loss (spill); removes risk of shortage. Beware discrete approximations to the distribution! Statistical hydrology literature is much concerned with extreme values; these are somewhat less important for modelling economic uses of water.

23 A convenient normalization, but does not make (Qt) stationary!
De-seasonalization inflow via regression: Qt averages about 1 – a fact we’ll need later, when we start linearizing things, and need a point to linearize around. A convenient normalization, but does not make (Qt) stationary!

24 Suggestion: an autoregressive model
The AR(1) model ACF of (Qt) that is, seems reasonable. The autoregressive parameter beta_t needs to vary seasonally. (Life should be so simple.)

25 Stagewise independence
Week t-1 Week t Week t+1 minu (present cost)(u) + gt(u) s.t. satisfy demand, etc. with (stored energy)(y) + random inflow Xt E gt-1(y) = Stage t subproblem is solved with knowledge of Xt, but not of the future. stagewise independence, i.e. (Xt) an independent sequence. Inflows are not stagewise independent. Suggested model is Markov. Serial dependence isn’t something we can gloss over, it’s an essential feature of the problem.

26 From independent to Markov inflows
Week t-1 Week t Week t+1 minu (present cost)(u) + gt(u) s.t. satisfy demand, etc. with (stored energy)(y) + (inflow)(y, Wt) E gt-1(y) = Make inflow a function of what happened last week (y) a random innovation Wt – with (Wt ) independent That’ll work – if we can express it as a linear program. A Markov process can be constructed by transforming an independent sequence. Inflow can be thought of as a decision variable, but it’s equality-constrained so there is no decision to make.

27 LP-compatible autoregressive processes
We’re allowed a process with with an independent sequence, and a linear function. But what we had in mind was which is nonlinear. Linear programming, despite the name, isn’t really about linearity, it’s about convexity. It’s concave, though, so admits a piecewise linear approximation.

28 LP-compatible autoregressive processes
We’re allowed a process with with an independent sequence, and a linear function. But what we had in mind was which is nonlinear. Linear programming, despite the name, isn’t really about linearity, it’s about convexity. It’s concave, though, so admits a piecewise linear approximation.

29 LP-compatible autoregressive processes
We’re allowed a process with with an independent sequence, and a linear function. But what we had in mind was which is nonlinear. Linear programming, despite the name, isn’t really about linearity, it’s about convexity. It’s concave, though, so admits a piecewise linear approximation.

30 One linear piece Approximate the model by linearizing about
How to fit this?

31 1. Auto-regression on log-inflows:
Inference 1. Auto-regression on log-inflows: (ignores the linear approximation step) 2. Auto-regression on Qt-1 : (ignores the structure of errors) 1. usually works for time-series models is based on setting errors to zero in the real model. 3. Or we could do it right: a max-likelihood fit on the actual model:

32 A nice illustration of how error structures matter in regression
A nice illustration of how error structures matter in regression. Additive-error (green) gets it completely wrong in early winter. Also note variation in serial correlation

33 Stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP)
Week t-1 Week t Week t+1 minu (present cost)(u) + gt(u) s.t. satisfy demand, etc. with (stored energy)(y) + random inflow Xt E gt-1(y) = The leading algorithm for problems of this type. Essential step (backward pass): evaluate the expectation for given y, using current estimate of gt. Use dual variables from optimization to form a cut (linear lower bound), which improves estimate of gt-1. A very parallelizable algorithm.

34 The importance of being discrete
Week t-1 Week t Week t+1 minu (present cost)(u) + gt(u) s.t. satisfy demand, etc. with (stored energy)(y) + random inflow Xt Ss gt-1(y) = ps s If random elements have a discrete joint distribution: solve the optimization problem for each atom. Otherwise, need a (Monte Carlo?) discrete approximation with not too many discrete scenarios, please (computation time is (at least) proportional to number of scenarios) In problems complicated enough to be of practical interest, randomness will be multivariate.

35 Sample average approximation (SAA)
Objective function is an expectation, over a continuous distribution. Only way to evaluate it is by Monte Carlo sampling. We don’t usually want to change the sample at the same time as figuring out where the minimum of the function is. Fix a sample, optimize the resulting approximation.

36 A catalogue of errors Our efforts to model inflows have incurred
model mis-specification error inflows might not really be AR-1 inferential sampling error (finite data) parameters may be wrong sample average approximation error optimization is vs. a discrete approximation of inflow process discrete (data) continuous (AR-1 model) discrete (SAA approx to transition kernel) The intermediate continuous model seems redundant/inelegant. Can we obtain, in one step, a good representation of the data by a model of the final form required?

37 The final form required
Model for inflow Qt in week t : (et discretely distributed) Or more generally - where (Rt, St) is chosen at random from a small collection of (seasonally-varying) scenarios. An approximation of AR-1 at the log level – but ultimately it has to be this way for the optimization. (Could also be min(several linear fns), for a piecewise linear fn with convexity going the right way.) A linear iterated function system (IFS) Markov process.

38 The final form required
Model for inflow Qt in week t : (et discretely distributed) Or more generally - where (Rt, St) is chosen at random from a small collection of (seasonally-varying) scenarios. An approximation of AR-1 at the log level – but ultimately it has to be this way for the optimization. (Could also be min(several linear fns), for a piecewise linear fn with convexity going the right way.) A linear iterated function system (IFS) Markov process.

39 Linear IFS Markov inflow model
Only 5 scenarios in transition kernel, but a fairly rich representation of marginal distributions. Crossing scenarios – why? Implications for autocorrelation structure.

40 Fitting a model to data: quantile regression
Have data xi and yi for i=1,…n y x

41 Fitting a model to data: quantile regression
Have data xi and yi for i=1,…n Want to represent the distribution of y|x by finitely many scenarios. y x

42 Fitting a model to data: quantile regression
Have data xi and yi for i=1,…n Want to represent the distribution of y|x by finitely many scenarios. Quantile regression: choose scenario sk() to minimize Si rk( yi – sk(xi) ) for a suitable loss function rk(). y x

43 Quantile regression fitting
For a scenario at quantile t (0 < t < 1) , rt is the loss function t-1 t For each scenario, the quantile regression problem is a linear program.

44 Fitting a model to data: quantile autoregression
Quantiles (t) Scenario probabilities For each of a fixed collection of quantiles, fit a scenario (Rt, St) by quantile regression: Scenario probabilities determined from quantiles; can be unequal.

45 Fitting a model to data: quantile autoregression
Scenarios should not cross. Dependence (slope St) can vary across the probability distribution. High-flow scenarios differ in intercept (current rainfall). Low-flow scenarios differ mainly in slope. Extreme scenarios have their own dependence structure.

46 Continuous ranked probability score (CRPS)
A method of judging the merit of a prediction made in the form of a probability distribution. Given prediction distribution F and actual outcome y, F y

47 Fitting a model to data: CRPS M-estimation
CRPS can also be used as an estimation method for multi-scenario regression. Given x, scenarios for y are s1(x) … sm(x) with probabilities p1 ... pm Choose sk() and pk to y x This is the most computationally challenging method (global optimization, not LP or least-squares).

48 Fitting a model to data: CRPS M-estimation
Scenarios may cross. Scenario probabilities are optimized in model fitting, instead of being arbitrarily chosen Quite small numbers of scenarios seem possible.

49 Multivariate inflow models
Need to capture spatial as well as temporal correlations. Generalize models: Autoregressive: need discrete approx. to multivariate error. Quantile regression: no natural generalization of quantile. CRPS M-estimation: generalization to energy score. In in a realistic problem, the inflows to be modelled are a spatial process, i.e. multivariate.

50 A test problem Challenging fictional system based on Waitaki catchment inflows. Storage capacity 1000 GWh (cf. real Waitaki lakes 2800 GWh) Generation capacity 1749 MW hydro, 900 MW thermal Demand 1550 MW, constant Thermal fuel $50 / MWh, VOLL $1000 / MWh Test problem: a dry winter. 35 weeks (2 April – 2 December) Initial storage 336 GWh Initial inflow 500 MW (~56% of average) Solved with Doasa 2.0 (EPOC’s SDDP code).

51 Results – optimal strategy
Inflow model No. scenarios per stage Lost load (MW, probability) Spill Energy price ($/MWh) quantile regression 16 9.4, 28% 2.9, 6% 251 autoregressive, resampled errors 63 13.3, 37% 17.1, 15% 296 autoregressive, lognormal errors 6.8, 23% 6.0, 9% 207 independent (uncorrected) 1.59, 9% 0.14, 1% 112 (Quantities are expected averages over full time horizon; probabilities are for any shortage/spill within time horizon.)

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