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Traverse City West Senior High Journey Map Noble High School Design Studio October, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Traverse City West Senior High Journey Map Noble High School Design Studio October, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traverse City West Senior High Journey Map Noble High School Design Studio October, 2008

2 West Senior High Opens 1997 - West Senior High opens as as solution to overcrowding at Traverse City Senior High School (now Central High School) The vision was to embrace change and try new research based methodology based on “Breaking Ranks”.

3 Who has been involved? Principals – Joe Tibaldi & (former principal) Roger Wood –Believe in the importance of collaboration – participation of all staff, students & parents –Have fostered a school environment based upon mutual cooperation, respect, and high expectations for all. –Roger worked behind the scenes to make the scheduling changes over the years work.

4 What influences have there been? West Senior High School Standards of Practice We will treat all people with dignity, honesty, respect and trust. We will be positive contributors. We will foster a safe and orderly environment. We will provide all students opportunities for success. We will demonstrate quality work.

5 Influential Professional Development & Philosophies The Importance of Professional Learning Communities & Essential Questions –Teaching for Understanding & Collaborative Analysis Training & implementation (2004-2006) “ Breaking Ranks II” & the importance of student empowerment – Seminars/Advisories & Mentors (2004 –present)

6 Influential Professional Development & Philosophies Artful Thinking, Thinking Dispositions & Thinking Routines TCAPS invited Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education to develop an arts- infused curriculum in which the arts are used as entry points for students to develop deeper thinking and learning skills. –All staff trained (2005-2006)

7 What have been our accomplishments? We are known within the Traverse City community for our extremely positive learning and working environment. Two nationally recognized AP teachers State and National awards for art, vocal and instrumental music, Odyssey of the Mind, Model United Nations and journalism

8 What obstacles are we overcoming? Curriculum & Funding The size of our staff & student population Changes in the yearly and daily schedule at our building

9 Curriculum and Funding State Mandated Core Curriculum Funding issues – our location in a rural region leads to isolation both academically and economically compared to other large schools in the state.

10 Size of our staff and student population Freshman up to High School, over 50% of students are new to building Closed 3 elementary buildings and moved teachers into the high school Over 50% of staff is new to building

11 Schedule Changes Schedule change from semesters to trimesters – classes went from 2 semesters to 2 trimesters (36 weeks to 24 weeks) Schedule change from block to everyday, extended periods

12 The Arrival of the SLC Grant West Senior High Staff introduced to SLC (Smaller Learning Communities) grant and presented with Grant Overview (November 2007) SLC Consortium consists of: 2 Grand Rapids HS, 2 Traverse City HS, Marquette HS, Muskegon HS, MCES We all received the same grant and meet as a group to make decisions and follow same guidelines

13 The Arrival of the SLC Grant Personalization & Transition for Students –Advisory Concept & Purpose (Winter & Spring 2008) –SLC Structure: Freshman Academy (Winter, Spring, Summer 2008) –Kick Off Mentoring Program Introduction (Winter, Spring, Summer 2008) TLCs – Teaching Learning Communities –Review of SLC Grant goals (May 2008) –Review and Refocus on School Standards (Summer 2008) –Review and refocus on PLC (Teaching for Understanding & Collaborative Analysis) (Fall 2008 to Spring 2009)

14 How are we trying to make a difference? Personalization in a large school setting Improved transitioning from middle school to high school and from high school to college Increased Student Achievement

15 How do we define ourselves in relation to these words? Designers Assessors Researchers Reflectors

16 How do we define ourselves in relation to these words? Colleagues Educators

17 What are the key issues and questions we are confronting now? How should our school be organized to ensure that all students will be successful? What will our smaller learning community structure look like, what will our advisory be?

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