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{ Defenses Chapter Two.  Respond to the following question  Is there ever a time that it is acceptable to use force against another person? Explain.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Defenses Chapter Two.  Respond to the following question  Is there ever a time that it is acceptable to use force against another person? Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Defenses Chapter Two

2  Respond to the following question  Is there ever a time that it is acceptable to use force against another person? Explain your reasoning. Do Now:

3  Analyze this……  It is difficult to the point of impossibility to imagine a right in any state to abolish self-defense altogether, thereby leaving one a Hobson’s choice of almost certain death through violent attack now or statutorily mandated death through trial and conviction of murder later. -Judge Francis D. Murnaghan Jr. Self-Defense

4  You’re alone in your apartment asleep at 3 a.m. You wake up and realize your bedroom window is sliding open inch by inch. A tall shadowy figure steps into your bedroom. In terror, you pick up a lamp by your bed and hurl it. The lamp shatters against the man’s head and he falls to the floor.  EQ: Can you be charged with battery? Scenario

5  You have the right to use whatever force necessary to defend yourself from an unlawful attack.  You must prove 3 things to have a claim  1. Force was needed for your own protection.  2. Harm was about to happen and the attacker was willing and able to harm you  3. Force used was reasonable  EQ: Is it reasonable to use deadly force? Discuss with your partner. Defense of Self

6  Imagine that you see Max hitting Sam. Should you be allowed to intervene? Could there be any charges on your part? Defense of Others

7   Compare and Contrast the actions and reactions of people from a Male to Female Abuse and a Female to Male Abuse.  Hypothesize why there is a difference.  Offer your opinion of why society has different expectations for a man vs. a woman. Domestic Abuse as a Defense

8 { The Insanity Defense

9  Respond to the following statement… DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE? WHY or WHY NOT?  The insanity defense is a key part of our criminal justice system, which is founded on the belief that people normally choose whether or not to obey the law, certain people… cannot make that choice, however, either because they are too young or because of severe mental retardation or mental illness. -Elyce Zenoff Do Now:

10  Essential Question:  The insanity defense should be abolished  Pro vs. Con.  Research this issue on the internet in relation to your argument.  Complete the in class organizer for your team.  Opening Statement  Argument One  Response to Opponent’s First Argument(Done During Debate)  Argument Two  Response to Opponent Second Argument (Done During Debate)  Closing Statement Research Activity

11 Directions  Pro/Con  Research your assigned topic  Answer all questions as a group  Break up all roles amongst your group member  Who will say what and when  Jury  Research the assigned topic.  Answer all questions.  On second day you must sit down with the other half of the Jury to discuss the ideas and concepts learned during the research phase.  Your task will be to vote on which argument was the most compelling.

12  After evaluating information about both sides of the argument, generate a question you would want answered by either side of the argument. Essential Question

13 { Criminals

14  Research your selected decade  Answer all essential questions which relate  Generate a GooglePresenation  Hypothesize why your decade had as little or as much crime as it did and why. Crime Throughout History

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