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The Brain & Learning (CH 48)-Day 6
Take notes on the following information!
Single-celled ancestor
All animals except sponges have a nervous system. What distinguishes nervous systems of different animal groups is how neurons are organized into circuits. Chordates Echinoderms Arthropods Roundworms Annelids Flatworms Mollusks Radial Symmetry Cnidarians Pseudocoelom Deuterostome Development Radial Symmetry Protostome Development Coelom Sponges Three Germ Layers; Bilateral Symmetry Tissues The animal kingdom Multicellularity Single-celled ancestor
Organization of Nervous Systems
The simplest animals with nervous systems, the cnidarians, have neurons arranged in nerve nets
The cnidarians, have neurons arranged in nerve nets
Radial nerve Nerve ring Nerve net Hydra (cnidarian) Sea star (echinoderm) Sea stars have a nerve net in each arm connected by radial nerves to a central nerve ring
simple cephalized animals, such as flatworms,
have a central nervous system (CNS) Eyespot Brain Brain Nerve cord Ventral nerve cord Transverse nerve Segmental ganglion Planarian (flatworm) Leech (annelid)
Annelids and arthropods have segmentally arranged clusters of neurons called ganglia.
These ganglia connect to the CNS and make up a peripheral nervous system (PNS). Ganglia Brain Anterior nerve ring Ventral nerve cord Longitudinal nerve cords Segmental ganglia Insect (arthropod) Chiton (mollusc)
The PNS connects to the CNS.
In vertebrates, the central nervous system consists of a brain and dorsal spinal cord. The PNS connects to the CNS. Brain Brain Spinal cord (dorsal nerve cord) Sensory ganglion Ganglia Squid (mollusc) Salamander (chordate)
Information Processing
Nervous systems process information in three stages: sensory input, integration, and motor output Integration Sensory input Sensor Motor output Effector Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Central nervous system (CNS)
Sensory neurons transmit information from sensors that detect external stimuli and internal conditions Sensory information is sent to the CNS, where interneurons integrate the information Motor output leaves the CNS via motor neurons, which communicate with effector cells The three stages of information processing are illustrated in the knee-jerk reflex
Gray Cell body of sensory neuron in matter dorsal root ganglion
Quadriceps muscle White matter Hamstring muscle Spinal cord (cross section) Sensory neuron Motor neuron Interneuron
Neurons have a wide variety of shapes
that reflect input and output interactions Dendrites Axon Cell body Sensory neuron Interneurons Motor neuron
Central nervous system (CNS) Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Brain
Cranial nerves Spinal cord Ganglia outside CNS Spinal nerves
Brain Cells are Neurons...
Dendrites Cell body Nucleus Signal direction Synapse Axon hillock Axon Presynaptic cell Synaptic terminals Myelin sheath Postsynaptic cell
cell body: contains nucleus & organelles
dendrites: receive incoming messages axons: transmit messages away to other cells myelin sheath: fatty insulation covering axon, speeds up nerve impulses synapse: junction between 2 neurons neurotransmitter: chemical messengers sent across synapse Glia: cells that support neurons Eg. Schwann cells (forms myelin sheath)
Supporting Cells (Glia)
Glia are essential for structural integrity of the nervous system and for functioning of neurons Types of glia: astrocytes, radial glia, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells
In the CNS, astrocytes provide structural support for neurons and
regulate extracellular concentrations of ions and neurotransmitters Green cells are the astrocytes. Blue stains the nucleus.
Oligodendrocytes (in the CNS) and Schwann cells (in the PNS)
form the myelin sheaths around axons of many vertebrate neurons. Nodes of Ranvier Layers of myelin Axon Schwann cell Schwann cell Axon Nodes of Ranvier Nucleus of Schwann cell Myelin sheath 0.1 µm
Synapse…. SYNAPSE: where a nerve cell touches another nerve cell (or muscle cell, etc). Brain uses synapse to send/receive signals
Central Nervous System
Brain and spinal cord Cavities are filled with cerebrospinal fluid cushions and supplies nutrients and white blood cells. Meninges are layers of connective tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord White matter is myelinated; gray matter is not. Evolutionarily older structures in the brain regulate essential functions.
Peripheral Nervous System
Cranial nerves originate in the brain and terminate mostly in organs of the head and upper body. Spinal nerves originate in the spinal cord and extend to parts of the body below the head The PNS has two functional components: the somatic and autonomic nervous systems
Peripheral Nervous System
Somatic nervous system (PNS): Voluntary (conscious control) Carries signals to skeletal muscles Autonomic nervous system (PNS) Involuntary Smooth and cardiac muscle, GI , cardio, excretory and endocrine organs
regulates the internal environment in an involuntary manner
MOTOR DIVISION Peripheral nervous system regulates the internal environment in an involuntary manner Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system carries signals to skeletal muscles Sympathetic division Parasympathetic division Enteric division Sympathetic: speeds up everything but digestion “fight or flight” adrenaline Parasympathetic calms everything but digestion
PNS Divided into 2 Parts Sympathetic division Parasympathetic division
speeds up everything but digestion “fight or flight” adrenaline Parasympathetic division calms everything but digestion
Embryonic Development of the Brain Embryonic brain regions
All vertebrate brains develop from three embryonic regions: forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain Embryonic brain regions Brain structures present in adult Cerebrum (cerebral hemispheres; includes cerebral cortex, white matter, basal nuclei) Telencephalon Forebrain Diencephalon Diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus) Midbrain Mesencephalon Midbrain (part of brainstem) Metencephalon Pons (part of brainstem), cerebellum Hindbrain Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata (part of brainstem) Cerebral hemisphere Diencephalon: Mesencephalon Hypothalamus Metencephalon Midbrain Thalamus Myelencephalon Pineal gland (part of epithalamus) Hindbrain Diencephalon Brainstem: Midbrain Pons Spinal cord Forebrain Pituitary gland Medulla oblongata Telencephalon Spinal cord Cerebellum Central canal Embryo at one month Embryo at five weeks Adult
BRAIN This white matter is distinguishable from gray matter,
which consists mainly of dendrites, unmyelinated axons, and neuron cell bodies Gray matter White matter Ventricles
Brainstem BRAIN in the CNS has different parts. HOMEOSTASIS……
breathing, heart activity, swallowing, vomiting, digestion; most ascending axons cross over here Hindbrain Pons Medulla oblongata
Cerebellum coordination and motor learning
Cerebrum Right and left hemispheres connected by corpus callosum Cerebral cortex (gray matter) is the largest and most complex part of the mammalian brain Cerebrum
Cerebrum Frontal lobe: speech, personality, motor cortex
Parietal lobe: somatosensory cortex, speech, taste, reading Temporal lobe: hearing, smell Occipital lobe: vision
Language and Speech Brocca’s area Wernicke’s area Frontal lobe
Patients with injury can understand language but not speak Wernicke’s area Temporal lobe Patients with injury can speak but not comprehend
Diencephalon Hypothalamus Thalamus Pituitary gland Pineal gland
Hypothalamus: homeostasis by regulating hunger, thirst, temp., circadian rhythms Thalamus: relay center
Circadian Rhythms The hypothalamus also regulates circadian rhythms such as the sleep/wake cycle Animals usually have a biological clock, a pair of suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in the hypothalamus Biological clocks usually require external cues to remain synchronized with environmental cycles
PET scan
Magnetic resonance images (MRI)
The limbic system: emotions and memory including olfaction
Memory and Learning The frontal lobes are a site of short-term memory
They interact with the hippocampus and amygdala to consolidate long-term memory Many sensory and motor association areas of the cerebral cortex are involved in storing and retrieving words and images
Learning How does an organism learn about it’s environment?
Taxis: purposeful movement Toward stimulus = + taxis Away from stimulus = - taxis Kinesis: random movement Hoping for the best
Cognition Cognition means to know/learn and that you are being aware.
Environment + genes Metacognition = aware of how you learn Learning Styles
Diagram of Brain Tap into your creative side using pictures, sketches and words to form a collage in each section of the brain to represent the functions of these lobes. Frontal lobe -- Involved with planning, interpretation, emotions, personality, deliberate movements, decision making, and turning thoughts into words. Parietal lobe -- Perceives sensory inputs and and also associates these inputs with past memories. Temporal lobe -- Deals with the senses of smell and sound and also is responsible for forming memories. Occipital lobe -- Decodes images and objects that are seen in order to identify or recognize them. Cerebellum -- Regulates movement, balance and coordination. For example, in the frontal lobe section, drawings of people smiling, crying or communicating can be utilized. In the parietal lobe section, images representing the five senses can be pasted.
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