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Digital publishing? Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade Bridging the Unbridgeable Lunch Meeting 27 August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital publishing? Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade Bridging the Unbridgeable Lunch Meeting 27 August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital publishing? Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade Bridging the Unbridgeable Lunch Meeting 27 August 2015

2 Digital publishing? Open access? Google Books? With or without permission? Publishing on the Internet? Online journal: HSL/SHL Blogs Bridging the Unbridgeable Late Modern English Letters Robert Lowth blog HUGE database 2

3 HSL/SHL Online journal: 2000-2010 Curious  experiment Publishing on the internet? Learning a program Peer reviewed, ISSN-number Became a laborious process Since June: Paper journal: De Gruyter 3

4 Blog ≠ online journal Bridging the Unbridgeable Research project 2011-2016 Since 2011, also Facebook, Twitter Late Modern English Letters Teaching project, since July 2012 students blog about their research Robert Lowth blog Previous research project, 2005-2010 4

5 The blog’s functions Publishing research findings Not our major findings Building a researchers’ network Learning about the field Getting feedback, quick information Sharing information Getting data for research: Surveys 5

6 Knowledge dissemination HUGE database Freely available upon request Our target users Linguists and everyone else interested For research and linguistic advice Submitting a new NWO project Correspondence database, corpus, digital edition Making material available for research 6

7 Digital publishing: yes or no? Discussion... Increasing Open Access Books, articles Knowledge dissemination (NWO) Visibility: you and your research Blogging a good way In addition to regular publications!!! And: blogging is a skill 7

8 Blogging and science Bloggen voor de wetenschap NWO, April 2014 Robin Straaijer, José van Dijk Robin Straaijer One reaction: to my blog post Not the way to do it Determined by contents, needs Purpose, benefits Visibility 8

9 Learning to blog Contents: starting point Form: to support the contents Style: lightly academic Text (not too much), images, links Need for interaction: surveys (polldaddy) Finding the blog? Under-water-screen Help with the visibility 9

10 Online sources Databases: OED, ODNB, WorldCatWorldCat But... Who produces these tools: Status of the writer, publisher Blogs: are they being moderated? Is Wikipedia a good source? According to research: yes Wikipedia “Talk pages” (Morana) 10

11 Online journals? Almost daily: New digital journals An article? Editorial board? Journal of Scientific Research and Reports Open access, peer reviewed British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science: why me? Good English? Do they really know me? What use is it to me? What really matters: publishing in A journals 11

12 Impact factors English Today’s impact factor: 0.414 English Language & Linguistics: 0.462 Historiographia Linguistica: “currently 0” Language and History: 0.2 Transactions PhilSoc: “currently 0” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development: 0.6: Well done, Robin! Cf. Science and Nature: ca. 30 12

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