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Regina Golf Dome Graham Hindson, Lesley Neilson, Michael Woeller July 3, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Regina Golf Dome Graham Hindson, Lesley Neilson, Michael Woeller July 3, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regina Golf Dome Graham Hindson, Lesley Neilson, Michael Woeller July 3, 2009

2 Our Market Saskatchewan has the highest golf participation rate in Canada at 29.2% Population of ‘core golfers’ increased by 47.5% from 2001 to 2006 Temperatures below 5 degrees 7 months of the year

3 Facts & Figures Population of Regina ~ 208,000 GDP growth of 1.6% higher than national average in last six years

4 Competitive Environment Two golf simulators operating in Regina No indoor driving range facilities Nowhere for the serious golfer to go to improve their game

5 Our Facility

6 Hitting the Market Image PartnershipsAdvertising Location Print ads Promotions Website

7 All about the numbers… Capital Structure: –$400,000 term loan –$300,000 equity financing in place –Seeking an additional $200,000 in equity

8 All about the numbers…

9 NPV (@ 20%)$421,228 IRR to Equity32.4% Dividends (Y2 onwards)$150,000 +

10 All about the numbers…


12 Thank You

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