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Chapter 25 America & World War II Section 3 Life on the Home Front.

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1 Chapter 25 America & World War II Section 3 Life on the Home Front

2 Women and Minorities Gain Ground Wartime labor shortage forced factories to hire married women. “Rosie the Riveter”

3 A. Philip Randolph Head of Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, union for A.A. railroad workers. Responsible for Executive Order 8802, declaring no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries or gov’t.

4 Bracero Program Arranged for Mexican farmworkers to come to the U.S. to help farms in the Southwest. More than 200,000 came.

5 Sunbelt Growth of California and the expansion of cities in the Deep South created the Sunbelt.

6 Zoot Suit Riots Zoot suit, worn by many Mexican- American teens, was seen as unpatriotic. After rumors of the attack on sailors, 2,500 soldiers marched into M.A. neighborhoods and attacked some M.A.


8 Office of Price Administration Regulated wages and the price of farm products. Office of Economic Administration – regulated all other prices.

9 War Labor Board Worked to prevent strikes that would endanger the war effort.

10 Rationing Limiting the availability of products, occurred as the demand for raw materials and supplies increased and created shortages.

11 Victory Gardens Planted to produce more food for the war effort. Scrap drives were also organized.


13 E Bonds Used to raise money for the war. Way the people could loan money for the war.

14 End of Section 3

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