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Intro to Linux-c6x SDK. 1.Linux-c6x Introduction 2.SDK Features 3.Supported Devices 4.Boot Loader 5.Toolchains Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Linux-c6x SDK. 1.Linux-c6x Introduction 2.SDK Features 3.Supported Devices 4.Boot Loader 5.Toolchains Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Linux-c6x SDK

2 1.Linux-c6x Introduction 2.SDK Features 3.Supported Devices 4.Boot Loader 5.Toolchains Agenda

3 Linux-c6x Introduction 2.0 GA release Demonstrates Linux on the c66x and c64x+ devices

4 Software Features Based on Linux Kernel v2.6.34 uClibc v0.9.31-rc Busybox v1.17.1 Drivers such as i2c, Ethernet, UART Supports of peripherals such as EEPROM and NAND MCSDK (Multicore SDK) web control panel demo (c66x platform) –Includes Multicore elfloader and IPC demo through Syslink IPC and BIOS/IPC

5 Supported Devices EVMC 6678 EVMC 6670 EVMC 6474L EVMC 6474 EVMC 6472 EVMC 6457 DSK 6455

6 Boot Loader Supports IBL boot loader Ethernet boot loader support in both endians for all devices that are part of the release NAND boot loader support in both endians for EVMC6678, EVMC6670, EVMC6474L, EVMC6457, and EVMC6472.

7 Toolchains This release uses the GCC toolchain from Mentor Graphics version 4.5-124 The release was build on Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit and that is recommended host configuration. TI CGT 7.2.2 is used only to compile the BIOS example programs and the bootloader.

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