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(Also Known As ClassCraft Project: “Shadows of Olympus”)

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1 (Also Known As ClassCraft Project: “Shadows of Olympus”)
Physics Superhero Physics (Also Known As ClassCraft Project: “Shadows of Olympus”)

2 Overview One way that some students may learn physics concepts is through science fiction or superheroes You will create a superhero/superheroine that has one superpower You can choose them from the list provided There are videos related to each power from the list You can choose a different power from the list (with teacher permission) Whichever power you choose, you will design a realistic superhero/superheroine using physics concepts You will need to determine physics constraints of these powers

3 ClassCraft Notes Many of the super heroes of today have similarities with the pantheons of gods from earlier civilizations For example, many superheroes that are known for speed are similar to the Greek god Hermes/Roman god Mercury One difference with modern stories is the aura of science intertwined with the stories

4 Superpowers List Super speed Super strength Mass/size change
Invisibility Flight Other (with teacher permission)

5 Creation You will not only have to describe the power, but place limits on it (for example: heat vision is not enough, heat vision that can ignite wood or to cut metal is more specific) The physics behind that power The consequences of that power The character backstory and personality (and how they both relate to the power) A design of the character’s costume

6 Powers You are not expected to just “know” all of the concepts
I will group you by power types and work with each group individually I will give hints, tips, and suggestions for this section

7 Backstory and personality
Let us say that you chose invisibility How did the character develop that power? How does this ability affect the person’s behavior and thinking? I would expect approximately one paragraph of at least 3-5 sentences Spelling and grammar with no major errors

8 Character costume design
Draw or else create a character costume For digital options: For those very artistic and/or adventurous Try the app: autosketch 123d

9 Super Speed Image from: Image from: Image from:

10 Super speed videos Watch the video at link: And this one: And this one: Movie/tv clips:

11 Super strength Image from: Image from: Image from:

12 Super strength videos Watch the video at link: And this one: Movie/tv clips:

13 Mass/size change Image from: Image from:

14 Mass/size change videos
Watch the video link: And this one: And this one: And this one: Movie/tv clips

15 Flight Image from: Image from: Image from:

16 Flight videos Watch the video link: Movie/tv clips

17 Invisibility Image from: Image from:

18 Invisibility videos Watch the video link: pHRhA And this one:

19 Others topical videos to think about
Genetically modifying yourself: Superman physics: Science of superman: Longer duration, but recommended Sound powers: Thor’s hammer:

20 The turn-in You will either turn-in a two page document or a 2-slide document The first page/slide will have Character name Alter ego name Superpower: Character costume design The second page/slide will have Character backstory/personality Analysis of the superpower

21 Grading Character name listed: 6 points
Alter ego name listed: 2 points Superpower listed: 2 points Character costume design: 20 points* Character backstory: 20 points Power analysis: 50 points * Possible extra credit depending on the quality

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