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The Cell Cycle & Types of Reproduction Review. During which stage of mitosis are the chromosomes aligned across the middle of the cell?

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell Cycle & Types of Reproduction Review. During which stage of mitosis are the chromosomes aligned across the middle of the cell?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell Cycle & Types of Reproduction Review

2 During which stage of mitosis are the chromosomes aligned across the middle of the cell?

3 Metaphase

4 During which phase of the cell cycle do the sister chromatids split? What are the sister chromatids called after they split?

5 Anaphase Chromosomes

6 What are the three parts of interphase?

7 Gap 1 Synthesis Gap 2

8 What is the final result of Mitosis?

9 2 Identical Daughter Cells

10 Mitosis is the process of…….

11 Dividing the nucleus.

12 Genetic differences between the parents and offspring occur because of…….. Asexual or Sexual Reproduction

13 What structures move the chromosomes around the cell?

14 Spindle Fibers

15 How is cytokinesis different between plant and animal cells?

16 In animal cells the cytoplasm pinches in the middle of the cell. In plant cells a cell plate (wall) forms in the middle of the cells blocking off the two nuclei.

17 What is the correct order of phases through the cell cycle? List all of the parts of interphase and mitosis in the correct order.

18 Gap 1 Synthesis Gap 2 Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Interphase Mitosis

19 During which phase of the cell cycle does the nuclear envelope disappear?

20 Prophase

21 When in the cell cycle is the cell’s genetic information copied?

22 Interphase – Synthesis (S-Phase)

23 What is this structure Where are they held together? What do you call one half of this structure?

24 When do chromosomes become visible for the first time? Prophase


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