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Office of Human Resources Shukran Staff Reward. Office of Human Resources Why Should Staff be Recognized? Inspire, Motivate, Satisfy, Employees Engaged.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Human Resources Shukran Staff Reward. Office of Human Resources Why Should Staff be Recognized? Inspire, Motivate, Satisfy, Employees Engaged."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Human Resources Shukran Staff Reward

2 Office of Human Resources Why Should Staff be Recognized? Inspire, Motivate, Satisfy, Employees Engaged Employees High Performance and Productivity

3 Office of Human Resources Reward Categories Beyond the Call of Dut y Values and Behaviors High Performance

4 Office of Human Resources Reward Categories and Criteria High Performance Teamwork Communication Initiatives Customer Service Quality of Work Working under Pressure

5 Office of Human Resources Values and Behaviors Excellence Diversity Social Responsibility Integrity Lifelong Learning Ownership, Commitment and Trust

6 Office of Human Resources Beyond the Call of Duty Risk Taker Flexibility One-Time Task Increased Productivity and Cost Saving

7 Office of Human Resources Awards Frequency 2015 Cycle 2016 Cycle May December

8 Office of Human Resources Nomination Process Eligibility Nomination Form Deadline Selection procedure through Committee

9 Office of Human Resources Types of Awards: Recognition Certificate and Announcement in AUC News Customized Pins Breakfast with the President / VP of the Area Symbolic Gift

10 Office of Human Resources Thanks !!

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