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Knightlow C of E Primary School Parents’ Information Evening September 17 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Knightlow C of E Primary School Parents’ Information Evening September 17 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knightlow C of E Primary School Parents’ Information Evening September 17 th 2014

2 Results 2014 EYFS  83% of children achieved a good level of development;  A minimum of 97% achieved the expected standards in the prime areas of learning, with 100% achieving the standard for communication & language, and for physical development;  In every area of learning, at least 90% of children achieved a good level of development or better – well done!!

3 Results 2014 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check  100% of children in Year One achieved a pass grade in their phonics screening check – bravo Year One!

4 Results 2014 Key Stage One Reading Writing English Level 2+ 97% 97% Level 3 48% 14% Maths Level 2+ 97% Level 3 24%

5 Results at Key Stage One Speaking and Listening (Teacher Assessment) Level 2+ 100% Level 328% Science (Teacher Assessments) Level 2+ 100% Level 341%

6 Results at Key Stage Two Reading Level 4+100 % Level 5 75% Level 6 0% Level 6 0% Writing Level 4+ 97% Level 5 63% Level 6 6% Level 6 6% GPS* Level 4+ 88% Level 5 75% Level 6 16% Level 6 16% * Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

7 Results at Key Stage Two English Level 4+100% Level 5 42% Level 5 42% Level 6 4% Level 6 4% Maths Level 4+ 100% Level 5 59% Level 5 59% Level 6 19% Level 6 19% Science Level 4+ 100% Level 5 63% Level 5 63%

8 Results at Key Stage Two Reading, Writing and Maths Combined Level 4B+ 94% Level 4B+ 94% Research has shown that pupils who achieve Level 4B+ in all areas in Year 6 are highly likely to achieve the minimum of 5+ GCSE’s Grade A* - C.

9 Progress Through Key Stage 2 Pupils Making At Least Expected Progress: Reading 100% Writing 100% Maths 100% Pupils Making Excellent Progress: Reading 100% Writing 88% Maths 78%

10 Learning Successes 2013-14  Priority 1: To improve the quality of teaching and the impact on learning through a specific focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar. This has been a successful year for outcomes across the school with progress being the key focus. In all year groups, progress in writing has been at least at the expected rate and in most cases it has far exceeded national expectations. However, writing remains a priority next year.  Priority 2: To improve the quality of teaching and the impact on learning outcomes in Maths with a specific focus on mental maths strategies; shape, space and measures and data handling. The results in maths this year are outstanding and we are very pleased to see that the outcomes in Year 6 have risen again, with an increase in children achieving both Level 5 and Level 6 in maths. Through hard work in EYFS, standards there rose too for number understanding with almost all classes attainment being at least one academic year ahead of the national expectation (two years’ ahead in Years 3 and 6 last year)

11 Learning Successes 2013-14  Priority 3: To improve the quality of teaching and the impact on learning outcomes by further enhancing the school’s creative approach with a specific focus on social, moral, spiritual and cultural provision. The enormous amount of work done in this area permeated the whole school and led to the fantastic achievement of being awarded Artsmark Gold in the summer term. Thank you to all who helped to make this happen.  Priority 4: To improve the quality of teaching and the impact on learning so that vulnerable children and groups, and the gifted and most able, make progress in their learning that is at least good, and to strengthen staff understanding and expertise in the teaching of focus groups. All staff have undertaken additional training in working with diffeernt groups of children and we have carefully tracked the progress of these children. Whilst there is still work to be done, we are very pleased with all the outcomes for vulnerable children and the most able.

12 Learning Improvement 2014-15  Priority 1: To improve the quality of teaching and the impact on learning outcomes in writing with a specific focus on sentence structure and text organisation.  Priority 2: To implement the 2014 National Curriculum, ensuring that all pupils are given a rich and engaging learning experience which leads to excellent outcomes for all.

13 Learning Improvement 2014-15  Priority 3: To enhance the teaching of reading, writing and maths to continue to promote high standards under the new curriculum.  Priority 4: To further develop the quality of teaching and learning through improved professional development leading to an embedded understanding of the ethos of the school and the role of independent learning (BLP).

14 Please Note  No holiday in term time will be authorised and absence of leave will only be granted in exceptional circumstances (this no longer includes imposed holiday dates);  School does not open until 8am for clubs – please do not drop children off (they must be signed in from now onwards. Doors will be locked until just before 8am following concerns from staff and parents;  Please be aware of the right paths to use when entering school: do not cross on the turning circle. The concrete pathway on the central circle is only to allow the coach to mount the kerb if children are in the way!

15 HELP!  Please sign your Home School Agreement and return the green copy to school  Please get involved with the KSA wherever possible  Please sign and complete forms you return to school… and tick the right box  Please sign and complete forms you return to school… and tick the right box  Please name all uniform  Please read the newsletters – we are happy to email them and they always go onto the website

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