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THE FINNISH LIBRARY NETWORK Division for Cultural Policy 2012.

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1 THE FINNISH LIBRARY NETWORK Division for Cultural Policy 2012

2 The Finnish library network Structure Administration Statistics Finances Library training

3 Programme of Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen´s Government " The library system plays a central role in the maintenance and development of Finnish literacy and the advancement of reading as a hobby. The Government supports the development of library activity, and fosters cooperation between schools and libraries. Libraries will be developed to meet the challenges of the information society. The opening up of the libraries', museums' and public arts institutions' digitised material for free public access will be promoted." Programme of the Finnish Government 22.6.2011

4 State administration of library and information services ”The Ministry of Education and Culture shall be the national administrative authority for library and information services. The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment shall be the regional administrative authority.” (Library Act 904/1998, 7 §)

5 Ministry of Education and Culture Communications and Public Relations MINISTER OF CULTURE AND SPORT State Secretary MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE State Secretary International Relations DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND SCIENCE POLICY Department´s Office General Education Division Vocational Education Division Division for Higher Education and Science Higher Education Research Division for Adult Education and Training DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURAL, SPORT AND YOUTH POLICY Division for Cultural Legislation and Finance Division for Art Policy Cultural Export and Exchange Unit Division for Cultural Policy Copyright Unit Sports Division Youth Policy Division ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT General Administration Division Human Resources Division Financial Planning Division Financial Administration Division Information Management Division Internal Audit PERMANENT SECRETARY

6 Minister of Culture and Sport Minister of Education and Science The National Library University Library Special Libraries Public Libraries, 18 Provincial Libraries Parliament Government Ministries Division for Higher Education and Science Department for Education and Science Policy Department for Cultural, Sport and Youth Policy The National Repository Library Division for Cultural Policy Municipalities, Municipal Boards The Finnish Library for the Visually Impaired Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment National Board of Education Municipalities, Municipal Boards and other maintenances Libraries at schools and other educational institutions Literature Copyright Museums Division for Art Policy Ministry of Education and Culture Group of library administration ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR LIBRARIES

7 Division for Cultural Policy at the Ministry of Education and Culture drafts the state library budget and prepares library legislation and library policies finances the establishment of new libraries and the purchase of bookmobiles allocates subsidies for special schemes and library development compiles the official national public library statistics evaluates the library services at the national level has contacts with organisations providing library and information studies co-operates with different interest groups

8 The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment ”shall monitor and promote library and information services needed by the population in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Culture and assess the accessibility and quality of the services; shall promote regional, national, and international development projects in the field of library and information services; and perform other duties assigned by the Ministry of Education and Culture” (Library Decree 1078/1998)


10 The National Library of Finland The National Library of Finland is an independent institute at the University of Helsinki is under the University act is run and financed by the university The Ministry of Education and Culture allocates discretionary state subside to the library through the contract –for the National Library purpose –for special projects, such as the Finnish National Electronic Library

11 The National Repository Library own act, decree and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture and governed by specific statutes state library subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Culture serves both public and research libraries private customers do not visit the library services, also postage, free of charge

12 Central Library for public libraries ”The library acting as the central library for public libraries complements the services of public libraries. The central library for public libraries is a public library in a municipality designated by the Ministry of Education and Culture with the consent of the local authority. Its operating area shall be the whole country.” (Library Act 904/1998, 4 §) Helsinki City Library acts as the Central Library for public libraries

13 The Central Library of Public Libraries ”shall act as the national inter-library lending center; shall promote co-operation of public libraries and between public and research libraries; shall develop common methods and instruments necessary for organising library and information services; and shall perform other duties assigned by the Ministry of Education and Culture” Library Decree 1078/1998) "Inter-library loans to public libraries issued by the Central Library shall be free of charge” (Library Act 1998, 5 §)

14 The Financing of the Central Library It is maintained and run by the City of Helsinki The Ministry of Education and Culture allocates discretionary state subsidy to the library after the contract made with the ministry annually: –for the purpose acting as the Central Library –for the purpose acting as the Multilingual Library –for the Networked Public Library Services

15 Provincial libraries (18) "The library acting as the provincial library for public libraries complements the services of public libraries. The provincial library for public libraries is a public library in a municipality designated by the Ministry of Education and Culture with the consent of the local authority. Its operating area shall be determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture”. (Library Act 1998, 4 §) ”Inter-library loans issued by the provincial libraries to public libraries shall be free of charge”. (Library Act 1998, 5 §)

16 The Provincial libraries ”shall support the information and interlibrary lending services of the public libraries within its region; shall develop information services relating to its own area of operation; shall provide training in new forms and development projects of library work for personnel in its operating area; and shall perform other duties assigned by the Ministry of Education and Culture” (Library Decree 1078/1998)

17 The Financing of the Provincial libraries Provincial libraries are maintained and run by their municipalities The Ministry of Education and Culture allocates the municipalities statutory aid - for acting as the Provincial Library - after the contract made with the Ministry

18 Public libraries (In every municipality there is a public library) under the Library Act and Library Decree 1998 run and financed by municipalities municipalities receive statutory state aid for operating a library. The local authorities decide independently to what extent they finance libraries’ operational costs.

19 More about statutory state aid The municipalities spent 2011 310 million euros to cover library operational costs (about 58 euros/inhabitant). Statutory state aid is about 32 % of total operational costs.

20 State subsidies to public libraries Libraries can receive 25-50 % state aid for construction and for the purchase of bookmobiles. Nearly all main libraries have been constructed with state aid. The Ministry of Education and Culture allocates discretionary subsidies directly to libraries for special purposes (e.g. for special projects, notably the information society initiative). The government subsidies the acquisition of small-circulation literature and of cultural journals to the libraries.

21 Fees in public libraries ”The use of the library’s own collections within the library and borrowing from them shall be free of charge.” (Library act 904/1998, 5 §) Authors and translators may receive grants and subsidies for the free use of their books in libraries after the act of Public Lending Right. (The Act of Grants and Subsidies for Authors and Translators) State refunds are paid from the state budget on the grounds of the Finnish Copyright Act for lending books from public libraries

22 The libraries at universities and research institutes run and financed by their organizations these organizations decide independently on finances and activities of the library

23 Libraries in polytecnics, educational institutions and schools run and financed by their organizations which decide independently on the finances and activities of the library regulations of the Ministry of Education and Culture

24 More about school libraries there are few well-developed school libraries in Finland due to most schools being small it is more cost-effective to develop the public libraries which also serve the educational system

25 The Library for the Visually Impaired under the act, decree and the regulations of the Ministry state library, subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Culture governed by specific statutes

26 Special libraries, the libraries of administrative agencies and business enterprises are run and financed by their organizations these organizations can determine independently the activities and financing of the library

27 The National Digital Library The Ministry of Education and Culture launched the National Digital Library project in the summer 2008 The project improves the accessibilty and long-term prereservation of the electronic materials of libraries, archives and museums Further information:

28 Finnish public libraries in 2011 Some figures Libraries: 836, Main Libraries 308. Mobile libraries: 153. One library boat Collection: 39 mill. (of which books 35 mill.) Man-years: 4 755 Visits/inhabitant: 9,9 (total 53 mill.) Virtual visits: 57 mill. visits on library websites Lending/inhabitant: 18,2 (total 97,5 mill.) Population: 5,35 mill.

29 STRUCTURE AND SCALE OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM *Education in the library field

30 Further information Ministry of Education and Culture, Division for Cultural Policy Hannu Sulin, Minna Karvonen and Barbro Wigell-Ryynänen Tel +358 9 16004 Fax +358 9 1607 6976

31 More information Finnish Public Libraries Statistics:

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