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TRAVELING SHOES Walking Different Paths to the Same Destination Glenda Alvin Head, Acquisitions and Serials Assistant Director for Collection Management.

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Presentation on theme: "TRAVELING SHOES Walking Different Paths to the Same Destination Glenda Alvin Head, Acquisitions and Serials Assistant Director for Collection Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRAVELING SHOES Walking Different Paths to the Same Destination Glenda Alvin Head, Acquisitions and Serials Assistant Director for Collection Management Tennessee State University

2 TECH SERVICES JULY 1997  Head of Serials; two library assistants  Head of Acquisitions: three library assistants  Head/Cataloging: 1 assistant librarian & 3 library assistants  12 positions; System: DRA  Functions: Collection Development, Books, Serials, Weeding, Gifts, Preservation, Gov Docs & Cataloging.


4 COLLECTION MANAGEMENT 2015  Head of Acquisitions and Serials/Assistant Director for Collection Management: 1 librarian and 3 assistants  Head of Cataloging; 1 Assistant librarian  7 positions; System: III Sierra  All Librarians have liaison responsibilities  Functions: Collection Development, Books, Serials, Gifts, Weeding, Preservation, Government Docs, Cataloging, Databases, Link Resolver, ERM, Document Delivery PLUS Office Supplies, and Payroll  Public Services lost 1 position-Circulation Librarian; Has gained 3 library assistants


6 MEANDERING PATH TO UNCERTAINTY STARTED WITH ….  Changes in Budget Allocations  Changes in Format (ejournals, ebooks, etc.,)  Changes in Job Assignments  Changes in Leadership  Changes in Staffing

7 CHANGES IN BUDGET ALLOCATION  Reduction in funding meant less books and periodicals to process, which led to: Less need for student assistants, followed by: Less need for Library Assistants

8 CHANGES IN FORMATS  Ejournals  Ebooks  Databases  Document Delivery Options

9 CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP- WHERE TO?  Library Dean retired after 24 years at the helm.  Interim Dean appointed two years ago. No discussion of a search  New library building scrapped and replaced by Nursing.  Focus is on day-to-day managing and putting out fires.


11 CHANGES IN STAFFING  Buyouts-lost Cataloging Assistant to Circulation  Retirements-lost Serials position to Circulation  Health (Library Assistant-Copy Cataloging and Weeding)-lost position to Special Collections.  Staff In Service Day-Cross Training/Certificate

12 FLEXIBILITY, FAIRNESS AND CREATIVITY  For those left behind: Increased workload and multi-tasking, which can sometimes lead to morale issues..

13 PUT SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT  Be honest with your staff about what you can and cannot do about re-classification and changes in workload, retirement, etc.,  Be sensitive, but fair to career staff concerns about declining physical and mental abilities.

14 STEPPING UP  Gave majority of retired serials assistant job to bindery library assistant- fought for his promotion and got it. Move smaller tasks to Serials Librarian (claims) and Accounting Clerk(standing orders)  Negotiated with Circulation Supervisor to handle discards(removal of records from catalog and packing of books)  Due to decline in book orders, two catalogers and student assistant are able to handle the workload without outsourcing.

15 WALKING THE LINE  Middle Manager has some authority and no real power  Always in a position of negotiation and mediating. Complaints from and about peers (other department heads) and staff have to be dealt with on two levels: above (Dean) and peers.  All policies and initiatives have to be approved by the Dean, so the ability to effect meaningful or lasting change is limited because accomplishment comes with shared vision.  Effect change where you can make a difference.

16 WALKING INTO THE SUNSET! Bye!  Three of us are at the about the same age and will retire about the same time  Goal is to position the department for new technologies and challenges.

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