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He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Student Assistant: Using the Skills of Students for Library Projects Mark Scharff, Gaylord Music Library, Washington University.

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Presentation on theme: "He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Student Assistant: Using the Skills of Students for Library Projects Mark Scharff, Gaylord Music Library, Washington University."— Presentation transcript:

1 He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Student Assistant: Using the Skills of Students for Library Projects Mark Scharff, Gaylord Music Library, Washington University in St. Louis, panelist Music Library Association Midwest Chapter meeting 2015 Louisville, Kentucky

2 A bit about Washington University in St. Louis ▪ Private non-sectarian Carnegie Research I university ▪ International student body ▪ Small music department supported by midsize music library ▪ 3o-40 undergrad majors and minors, 12-15 graduate students

3 Student assistants in Gaylord--Undergraduate ▪ Circulation ▪ Shelving ▪ In-house processing (sewing in binders, CD/DVD/hardback labeling) ▪ TS projects of a “mechanical” nature (rehousing sheet music)

4 Student Assistants in Gaylord—Graduate Students ▪ Traditional roles ▪ “Receiving” ▪ Cataloging sheet music ▪ Scanning ▪ Special projects

5 Student Assistants in Gaylord—Changes & Challenges ▪ Scanning centralization ▪ Undergraduate TS student ▪ Outsourcing ▪ RDA ▪ Pay

6 The good news about TS students for us and them ▪ Us ▪ End-user feedback on processes and product ▪ Ambassadors for the library to peers and faculty ▪ Specialized skills, insights ▪ Them ▪ Employment using their skills (for music students, at least) ▪ Gaining skills to use in their academic life

7 ▪ Questions? ▪ Thank you!

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