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 Highly Religious Christians. Holy War (Crusades) to recapture Jerusalem and Spain from Muslims. Religious disagreements divide Western Europe into Protestants.

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Presentation on theme: " Highly Religious Christians. Holy War (Crusades) to recapture Jerusalem and Spain from Muslims. Religious disagreements divide Western Europe into Protestants."— Presentation transcript:

1  Highly Religious Christians. Holy War (Crusades) to recapture Jerusalem and Spain from Muslims. Religious disagreements divide Western Europe into Protestants and Catholics (Reformation).  Politically divided into competing kingdoms: Spain, France, England, ect…  Increasingly influence of science and interest in the world (ex. Renaissance)

2  Went on a trade journey across Silk Road to China  Saw how others lived  Wrote influential “Description of the World”

3  Looking for ocean route to trade with India  Landed in Bahamas  Conquered native peoples and Set up first Spanish colony in Western Hemisphere

4  Sailed around Africa to India  Announced he came to India for “Christians and Spices”  Brought back spices, silks, jewels

5  First to sail around the world  Died before he made it back

6  Conquered Aztec Empire  Extended New Spain to present day Mexico  Plundered Aztec Gold and Silver made Spain richest country in Europe

7  Conquered Incan Empire  Extended New Spain to South America  Plundered Incan Gold and Silver made Spain even richer

8  Sailed up the Saint Lawrence and claimed Canada for France

9  Traveled through southwest United States  Gave Spain claims to land north of Mexico

10  Landed in Eastern Canada  Established Quebec which was the first permanent French settlement

11  Landed on North American Coast  Set up fur trading post in Albany, New York

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