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Welcome Parents to Ms. Febus’s 3 rd Grade Class Open House 2013-2014 school year.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents to Ms. Febus’s 3 rd Grade Class Open House 2013-2014 school year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents to Ms. Febus’s 3 rd Grade Class Open House 2013-2014 school year

2 Getting to know Ms. Febus

3 3 Our Agenda Expectations Daily Schedule Homework Policy Assessments Technology Incentives/Consequences Communication Volunteer Hours Curriculum F.C.A.T. Information Special Programs

4 Student Expectations Students must be in class, silent, and seated by 8:00 am. Students say good-bye at the door and put his/her own lunch and book bag away. Students must bring their book bags, materials, and homework to school everyday. Students cannot bring permanent markers, toys, trading cards, hats, I-pods, electronic games, etc. to school. Third missed assignment, improper uniform, and misbehavior may lead to a detention. Three detentions for the same reason may lead to a referral with an administrator. If your child is absent, send an Absent Notification Form with him/her stating the reason for the absence and the dates they were absent, in order for it to be marked excused. Fifth tardy will result in a referral and a meeting with administration in order for the student to return to class. 4

5 1.It is the student’s responsibility to copy HW in their agendas. 2.Home-learning is checked daily. 3.Home-learning must be completed entirely, neatly, and in pencil in your child’s own handwriting in order to receive full credit. 4.Students must read for 30 minutes every night and log it on their monthly reading log which will be collected on a monthly basis. 5.If a student is absent, they are still responsible for completing the homework for that day the best they can and bringing it the following day when they return to class. 6.Home-learning MUST be done completely; meaning nothing is to be left blank. If the student does not understand something, they must show that they at least tried by not leaving anything blank, otherwise the homework is incomplete. 7.4th missed or incomplete HW assignment will result in a morning DETENTION and a lower conduct grade 8.Special projects will be assigned periodically throughout the year. Home-Learning Policy 5

6 Mondays: Spelling ABC/Syllables Vocabulary Definition Math Practice Book Page Read for 30 minutes Technology Tuesdays: Spelling Cursive Vocabulary triangle Sentences Math Practice Book Page Read for 30 minutes Technology Wednesdays: Spelling Analogies Vocabulary Triangle sentences Math Practice Book Page Read for 30 minutes Technology Thursdays: Spelling Pyramid Vocabulary Synonyms/Antonyms Math Practice Book Page STUDY!!! Read for 30 minutes Technology Fridays: Time for Kids Current Event (5 W’s) Reading Log Math Practice Book Page Technology Home-Learning Schedule 6

7 Spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension, tests are administered every Friday. Math, Science, & Social Studies test days vary. Reviews are done in class the day prior to the test and MUST be studied and reviewed at home. A parent signature on each review earns the student extra credit points. Students are encouraged to take text books home for extra practice and reinforcement prior to the test. Assessments 7

8 IXL - is a comprehensive, standards-aligned math and language arts practice program offering unlimited problems in thousands of skills. One of the best things about IXL is that students can access it from school and from home! Students will be required to complete two 30 minute specified practice sessions a week for a GRADE. Vmath – is an online, independent-learning component that helps students apply math skills in a fun, interactive environment that is available 24/7 from any browser and on the iPad ® or other tablets. The component engages students with online opportunities to improve their math skills. Students will be asked to complete one session in class, in the computer lab, and at home. Reading Plus 4.0 - Students will be asked to complete one session in class, in the computer lab, and at home. Technology 8

9 Sea Bill $20.00 Incentives Good behavior is a key Factor in creating a positive classroom environment. Therefore, if your child is on their best behavior and retains their GREEN card… they will earn their daily Sea Bill worth $1.00. may be recognized as a STAR Student. will given an opportunity to apply for a class room JOB earning them more Sea Bills. will receive notes or special certificates earning them free time or no homework pass. can use their earned Sea Bills to purchase stimulating items at our class “Caught Being Good Store”. 9

10 10 Class Store In search for a Weekly Store manger and additional store items Sticker$3.00 each Erasers $4.00 each Bookmarks $5.00 each Pencil$10.00 each Lead Pencil$15.00 each Pen$20.00 each Bracelet$25.00 each FREE TIME$30.00 week pass Treasure Box $40.00 for each item NO H.W. PASS $50.00 for each pass

11 Rewards and Consequences Every child deserves a positive learning environment. In the case that your child does not help provide others with this type of environment or breaks a class rule, your child will use the behavior chart… Whale of a Day5 dollar bonus Happy as a Clam 2 dollar bonus Star Fish Note in agenda Ready to Learn (Expected behavior) In Dangerous Waters Warning no sea bill Pinched Teacher’s choice 2 dollar fine Stung parent contact 5 dollar fine 11 Daily Conduct Grades Grade: Chart: A Whale of a day A Happy as a Clam A Star Fish A Ready to Learn B In Dangerous Waters C Pinched D/F Stung

12 12 Other Fees and Fines Late to School = $1.00 Supply Rental = $1.00 Name Missing on Paper - $1.00 Missing Home Work = Note Sent home and $2.00 Poor Character Choice = $5.00

13 Key factor to the continued success of your child in school. Sign the agenda daily. Or your child will receive a fine. Primary source of contact and communication is via the agenda and email; Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences as needed & are scheduled in advance Remind101 – text application Communication 13

14 Must complete 30 hours (15 additional hours for each sibling) Volunteer hours can be achieved by: –Becoming a part of the SASP parent club –Donating incentive items to the class (Class Store) –Donating new books for our class library (Book Fair) –Donating items for in-class activities (Home-Room Parent) –Purchasing any of the items on the wish list (Retain Receipt) –Every hour is equivalent to $3.33 –Attending school field trips or assisting in the class. (Must be cleared by the county and school; meaning finger printing and a photo I.D.) - Special Labs (parent sign up sheet) Volunteer Hours 14

15 Our Curriculum Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies Enrichment Test Preparation Skills 15

16 In our reading class utilizing Wonders and Novels, students will… be engaged with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (State) with an emphasis on Common Core Standards (National), be introduced to multiple reading applications such as but not limited to main idea, inferences, sequence of events, context clues, and text structure. gain knowledge of advance vocabulary. take part in Cross Curricular Activities challenging their perspective on learning. be differentiated and geared toward their deficient skill after District Testing results are recorded. Reading Curriculum 16

17 In our writing class utilizing multiple resources, students will… be engaged with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (State) with an emphasis on Common Core Standards (National), utilize multiple writing strategies to assist them in becoming proficient writers be measured periodically on their writing abilities. learn what it takes to earn a 4 or higher on the 4 th grade FCAT writes test in a supportive manner. Writing Curriculum 17

18 In our math class utilizing Go Math, students will… be engaged with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (State) with an emphasis on Common Core Standards (National), learn concepts ranging from place value and graphs to multiplication and fractions. be modeled how to problem solve and apply appropriate operations to solve multi-step problems practice multiplication daily and will be required to memorize each fact at home (flash cards, copying facts, restating facts) Math Curriculum 18

19 In our science class utilizing Harcourt, students will… be engaged with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (State) use hands-on learning to better understand science. be asked to conduct biweekly Labs to reinforce and model specific skills acquire scientific vocabulary through reading and application participate in the SASP Science Fair TBA Science Curriculum 19

20 In our Social Studies class utilizing Time For Kids and other resources, students will… be engaged with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (State) understand the world around them by reading articles in class (T.F.K.) while applying reading comprehension skills be asked to complete a weekly current events related to the Time for Kids magazine (assigned Friday due Monday) participate in multiple school wide activities recognizing social issues (Hispanic Heritage, Black History, Pilgrims, etc.) Social Studies Curriculum 20

21 In our class, your child will be challenged in multiple ways by reading exemplar texts or chapter books applying problem solving skills to solve real world situations learning and using advance vocabulary and spelling words working cooperatively in small groups to complete a given task completing cross curricular projects that integrate multiple aspects of learning Enrichment 21

22 In our class, your child will be given the tools to master any standardized test by applying various testing strategies including but not limited to… Underlining your support (proving your answers) Process of elimination Skipping the challenging questions (time management) Reading the questions before the passage MOST importantly, understanding the various types of questions and how to answer them Test Taking Strategies 22

23 FCAT Testing What is it? Scoring FCAT Levels Testing Dates Reading Categories Portfolio and other options Support 23

24 FCAT 2.0 stands for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, a standardized exam taken by students in Florida. Third-grade students take the FCAT in a multiple- choice format that measures whether their reading and math skills meet the Sunshine State Standards for their grade level. To be promoted to the fourth grade, a student must pass the reading FCAT with a level 2 score on a scale of 1 to 5. What is it? 24

25 Florida Department of Education –Electronic scoring –Computer programs –Hand-scoring for grades with performance tasks Students will not use a bubble sheet for FCAT testing however will need to know how to use a bubble sheet during other District Testing. How is the FCAT scored? 25

26 Reading and Math –Given a score between a 1-5 Score of a level 1-2 means below grade level Score of a level 3 means on grade level Score of a level 4-5 means above grade level What do FCAT Levels mean? 26

27 When will my child take the FCAT? Administered between April 22-25, 2014 Reading Session 1 & 2: – 3 rd grade: 70 minutes Multiple Choice Math Session 3 & 4: –3 rd Grade: 70 minutes Multiple choice 27

28 What will be tested in reading? 28

29 What if my Child doesn’t pass? If your child were to earn a score of a 1 on the 2.0 FCAT Assessment, he or she may STILL be promoted if…  They pass the Reading Portfolio assessments beginning in January and ending in May. After completing and debriefing a story each week, teachers record their results and in May can determine if a child has in fact passed the portfolio and WILL be promoted to the fourth grade.  after attending summer school, pass the Standardized Exam.  during the 2014-2015 school year, will be given another Standardized Test during the month of October to measure his/her ability to be promoted. 29

30 Online Resources – Released Tests Sample Test Materials FCAT Explorer – –More information forth coming Reading Plus (3 weekly sessions for a grade) – Vmath (3 weekly sessions for a grade) –http://www.vmathlive.com IXL (daily weekday assignemnts for a grade) - http://www.ixl.com Where can I find support? 30

31 Supporting Your Child Teacher Website School Website Schedule a parent conference Special Thanks 31

32 A tool in which important announcements & information can be found such as class schedules, class/school announcements, wish list, calendar, & much more. Directions to log on are as follows: –Go to http://somersetsilverpalms.net –Click on Teachers/Staff on the left side of the page –Scroll down and find the teacher’s name –Click on the teacher’s name, and you will be directed to their website with all their information *** Teacher’s Web Page will be updated bi-weekly. Please log-on for important announcements *** Teacher Website 32

33 If you would like to schedule a parent conference to discuss any of the items discussed tonight or if you would like to know how your child is performing in my class, please sign your name and your child’s name on the calendar. All conferences will be held before or after school with a 48 hour notice. Your child’s classroom instruction is my number one priority, so please express your concerns via note, email, phone call or a scheduled conference. Parent Conference 33

34 This year we will be using a new and easy way of getting information and reminders across to the parents in class. The new system allows me to send a reminder directly to your cell phone as a text message for any upcoming assignments or activities in class. The app is called Remind101. This app will allow me, as your child’s teacher, to remind them of anything important through a text message. They will NOT be able to see my phone number and I will NOT be able to see theirs either. The text is simply a one way reminder and they will NOT be able to reply and contact me through that text. WHAT TO DO AND HOW IT WORKS: Text the code below to the number below and they will be added to my class group. The code MUST be used EXACTLY as shown below. NUMBER TO TEXT: (754) 201-2034 CODE TO TEXT: @msfeb Remind 101 34

35 Mrs. Rivera – Best substitute ever!!! The security and cafeteria staff for helping our students feel safe in our school. To all the parents that came tonight to show how important their child’s education means to them!!! Special Thanks 35

36 Thank You Parents Whale-come packets Student and Parent Scavenger Hunt Refreshments

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