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Greenhouse Gas Management in California Who will be regulated?

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse Gas Management in California Who will be regulated?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse Gas Management in California Who will be regulated?

2 What are Greenhouse Gases?  Trap the sun’s rays and warm the earth  Atmospheric concentrations increasing Global Warming Potential Carbon Dioxide1 Methane23 Nitrous Oxide296 HFCs120 - 12,000 Freons5700 - 11,900 Sulfur Hexafluoride22,000

3 Greenhouse Gases in California Emissions Estimate from 2002

4 Greenhouse Gas by End-Use (2002)

5 GHG Trends Since 1990

6 California’s Carbon Intensity is Low

7 Who could be impacted?  Transportation – individual drivers, transportation systems, airlines, shippers  Electricity generators  Electricity users -Building owners and tenants -Residential developers  Industrial energy users  Waste disposers

8 Reducing Carbon Footprint  Measure carbon footprint -Desired verification drives methods -CCAR methods designed to be consistent with Kyoto  Reduce carbon demand -Energy audit and conservation  Acquire carbon offsets -Different acquisition options -Recent skepticism on the true value of offsets

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