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An Operational Definition of Biostability

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Presentation on theme: "An Operational Definition of Biostability"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Operational Definition of Biostability
Jennifer Hooper, PE and Dr. Patrick Evans (co-PI), CDM Smith Dr. Mark LeChevallier (PI), Dr. Orren Schneider, PE, Dr. Lauren Weinrich, Dr. Patrick Jjemba, American Water An Operational Definition of Biostability Water Research Foundation Project 4312 November 9, 2015 Southeast Florida Utility Council

2 Background Biostability = potential for bacterial growth in the distribution system Biologically stable water in Europe is <50 mg/L AOC based on the ABSENCE OF CHLORINE Some water treatment processes (e.g., aeration, ozonation, chlorination) can increase likelihood of regrowth by increasing biodegradable organic matter concentration or increasing the ability of microorganisms to degrade organic matter (rate of uptake)

3 Important Parameters to Consider
Regrowth in unlined cast-iron pipe Pipe Material Pipe Age Hydraulic Residence Time Temperature at the monitoring point Flow rate at the monitoring point Disinfectant residual at monitoring point Finished water disinfectant dose Finished water disinfectant residual

4 Case Study – Utility 23-MA
Problem: Bacterial growth, unstable chlorine residual, nitrification 65 violations of total coliform MCL from Cause: 1989 free chlorine residual regulatory change to >0.25 mg/L 100 ft downstream of POE Chlorine:ammonia ratio altered from 4:1-5:1 to 11:1. Chlorine residual low ~ 0.17 mg/L Maintenance (flushing, storage tanks, dead ends), communication, data tracking Solution: Add ammonia downstream of regulatory compliance point Chlorine:ammonia ratio target: 4.5:1 Average chlorine residual increased to 0.9 mg/L in 1998 TCR Regulatory Limit Uses ozone, pH adjustment, chloramines for disinfection

5 WaterRF Project 4312: An Operational Definition of Biological Stability
Objective: develop an integrated decision support system that embodies the factors affecting biostability and practical indicators of biostability

6 Distribution System Characteristics
Max Residence Time 19% < 0-3 days 25% < 3-6 days 44% < 6-9 days 13% 9-10 days Max Pipe Age 28% <50 yrs 36% yrs 36% >100 yrs

7 Monitoring and Control Programs

8 Historical Data Analysis – Identification of Stability Issues
Who has what problems, but want to know why

9 Statistical Evaluation – Preliminary Associations
Potential Causes Goal: Identify parameters associated with bacterial growth, nitrification, DBP formation, and disinfectant residual stability. Method: Selected parameters that were associated with all four effects. - Bacterial Growth - Nitrification - DBP Formation - Disinfectant Residual Stability

10 Long-term sampling Six systems June 2011 to September 2012
Examine changes through distribution system POE (DS1), distribution system midpoint (DS2), endpoint (DS3) 20 sampling events, 6 locations, 3 sites = 360 data points Biodegradable Carbon TOC AOC BDOC Disinfectant Stability HAA5 Free/Total Chlorine pH, Temperature Corrosion/Biofilm Formation ATP accumulation Corrosivity Inorganic Nutrients Nitrate Ammonia Phosphate Preliminary results from sampling and analysis program: No clear regrowth problems despite some high AOC/BDOC values; No simple linear relationships found, multiple factors; multivariate statistical analysis for hierarchical data

11 Biofilm Measurements Installed mild steel corrosion coupons
Replaced coupons on regular basis Scraped biofilm off coupons See LeChevallier et al for details Measured ATP in scraped biofilm Determined Biofilm Formation Rate as ATP/(coupon surface area x time installed)

12 Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) Measurements
In-Situ Corrosivity Measurement Install mild steel electrodes Measurements collected in ~10 min

13 Factors Affecting Biostability
Complex interactions No simple correlations – threshold values played a key role Utility specific Interplay of temperature, water quality, time, pipe materials, etc.

14 Impact of Chlorine Residual on Biofilm Accumulation Rate
0.7 Chloramines (mg/L) Free Chlorine (mg/L) 2-log ~2.1 ~1.5 3-log ~3.1

15 Order of variables for minimizing ATP accumulation
Higher Importance Lower Importance Chloramines Free chlorine

16 Order of variables for minimizing free chlorine variability
Higher Importance Lower Importance

17 Order of variables for minimizing total chlorine variability
Higher Importance Lower Importance

18 Order of variables for minimizing corrosion rate
Higher Importance Lower Importance

19 Threshold values for explanatory variables
Measure of Water Stability Biomass Accumulation Corrosion Rate Chlorine Variability Free Chloramines Temperature (C) 15 20 Water Age (hr) 80 200 Free Chlorine (mg/L) 1.0 --- Combined Chlorine (mg/L) 1.8 Corrosion Rate (mpy) 4 DOC (mg/L) AOC (mg acetate C/L) 120 220 Biofilm Formation Rate (pg/mm2-d) 0.028 0.134 0.025 Phosphate (mg/L) 1.4 0.8 pH 7.4 Most Important Variable Second Variable Third Variable

20 Important Explanatory Variables
Biofilm Formation Rate ATP Accumulation/(coupon area x installation period) Corrosion Rate Chlorine/Chloramine Coefficient of Variation (CV) Standard deviation of residuals on given day Average of residuals on same day

21 Biostability Analysis Tool (BSAT)
Excel-based macros data analysis tool Performs multiple statistical analyses to evaluate site-specific data from a utility Summary statistics (average, max, min) Box plots Trend plots Correlations and liner regressions Regression Tree analysis Free! ..and available for download

22 Conclusions Biofilm accumulation rate, chlorine CV, and corrosion rate are useful parameters for evaluating water stability Water temperature has greatest impact on Biofilm Accumulation Rate, free chlorine variability, and corrosion rate Water age has greatest impact on total chlorine variability For control variables, chlorine residual has greatest impact on Biofilm Accumulation Rate. Reducing corrosion rate also has impact Effective flushing to remove biofilms can have positive impact on chlorine stability and corrosion Organic carbon (DOC/AOC) play lesser roles but can still be important control measures BSAT is a useful tool for analyzing and tracking site- specific data Chloramine (mg/L) Free Chlorine (mg/L) 2-log ~2.1 ~1.5 3-log ~3.1

23 Acknowledgements Water Research Foundation American Water
Project Manager, Dr. Hsiao-wen Chen USEPA, Grant No. EM Project Advisory Committee Eric Irwin, Fort Worth Water Department, Texas Chandra Mysore, Jacobs Engineering Group Eva Nieminski, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Youngwoo Seo, University of Toledo American Water 26 Participating Utilities CDM Smith gratefully acknowledges that the Water Research Foundation are funders of certain technical information upon which this presentation is based. CDM Smith thanks the Water Research Foundation, for their financial, technical, and administrative assistance in funding the project through which this information was discovered.

24 Useful Information WRF Project 4312 website: Webcasts on Demand: demand.aspx Source: Mark W. LeChevallier, Orren D. Schneider, Lauren A. Weinrich, Patrick K. Jjemba, Patrick J. Evans, Jennifer L. Hooper, and Rick W. Chappell An Operational Definition of Biostability in Drinking Water. Water Research Foundation. Reproduced with Permission. Contact Information Thank you Karl, Harold, and James. For more information about project 43-76, please visit the project webpage on Water Research Foundation's website. You can also visit our website in a few days to watch today’s webcast again and download the presentation. Jennifer Hooper, P.E.

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