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Linguistics for Everyone

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1 Linguistics for Everyone
Chapter 5 p.177 이가은 황보승민

2 4. Free and Bound Morphemes
Divide the following words into morphemes. Which morphemes are affixes? Which morphemes are free morphemes, and which are bound? legalize legal (free morpheme) + lize (bound, affix-suffix) prescription pre (bound, affix-prefix) + script (free morpheme) + ion (bound, affix-suffix) distaste dis (bound, affix-prefix) + taste (free morpheme)

3 sportsmanship sports (free morpheme) + man (free morpheme) + ship (bound, affix-suffix) serenity seren (free morpheme) + ity (bound, affix-suffix) ridden rid (free morpheme) + den (bound, affix-suffix) misinformation mis (bound, affix-prefix) + inform (free morpheme) + ation (bound, affix-suffix)

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