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Naming Acids Acid: acids produce hydrogen ions (H + ) in water (aqueous solutions) – Proton donors – Taste sour – Turn litmus paper from blue to red –

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Presentation on theme: "Naming Acids Acid: acids produce hydrogen ions (H + ) in water (aqueous solutions) – Proton donors – Taste sour – Turn litmus paper from blue to red –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Naming Acids Acid: acids produce hydrogen ions (H + ) in water (aqueous solutions) – Proton donors – Taste sour – Turn litmus paper from blue to red – React with active metals to produce Hydrogen gas Bases: produce OH - ions in water (aqueous solutions) – Proton acceptors – Taste Bitter – Don’t change litmus paper color

2 #Prefix 1mono 2di- 3tri 4tetra 5penta 6hexa 7hepta 8octa 1.When the name of the anion (X) ends in -ide, the acid name begins with the prefix hydro-. The stem of the anion has the suffix -ic and is followed by the word acid. 2.When the anion name ends in -ite, the acid name is the stem of the anion with the suffix -ous, followed by the word acid. 3.When the anion name ends in -ate, the acid name is the stem of the anion with the suffix -ic followed by the word acid.

3 1.When the name of the anion (X) ends in -ide, the acid name begins with the prefix hydro-. The stem of the anion has the suffix -ic and is followed by the word acid. 2.When the anion name ends in -ite, the acid name is the stem of the anion with the suffix -ous, followed by the word acid. 3.When the anion name ends in -ate, the acid name is the stem of the anion with the suffix -ic followed by the word acid.

4 Naming Acids with Oxygen and Hydrogen: Anions ending in -ide generally give acids with the prefix hydro and ending in –ic. ACIDIONIZATION EQUATIONION NAME Hydrochloric AcidHCl ---> H + + Cl - Chloride Hydrofluoric AcidHF ---> H + + F - Fluoride Hydrosulfuric AcidH 2 S ---> 2H + + S 2- Sulfide 1.The Formula of the Anion is the formula without Hydrogen. 2.The Charge on the Anion = the number of hydrogen present. 3.The Anion is called the Central atom ending with ide.

5 Naming Acids Anions ending in -ite generally give acids ending in –ous. ACIDIONIZATION EQUATIONION NAME Chloric AcidHClO 3 ---> H + + ClO 3 - Chlorate Nitric AcidHNO 3 ---> H + + NO 3 - Nitrate Sulfuric AcidH 2 SO 4 ---> 2H + SO 4 2- Sulfate Carbonic AcidH 2 CO 3 ---> 2H + CO 3 2- Carbonate Phosphoric AcidH 3 PO 4 ---> 3H + PO 4 3- Phosphate 1.The Formula of the Anion is the formula without Hydrogen. 2.The Charge on the Anion = the number of hydrogen present. 3.The Anion is called the Central atom ending with ate.

6 Naming Acids with Oxygen and Hydrogen: Anions ending in -ite generally give acids ending in –ic. ACIDIONIZATION EQUATIONION NAME Chlorous AcidHClO 2 - ---> H + + ClO 2 - Chlorite Nitrous AcidHNO 2 ---> H + + NO 2 - Nitrite Sulfurous AcidH 2 SO 3 ---> 2H + SO 3 2- Sulfite Hypochlorous AcidHClO - ---> H + ClO - Hypochlorite 1.The Formula of the Anion is the formula without Hydrogen. 2.The Charge on the Anion = the number of hydrogen present. 3.The Anion is called the Central atom ending with ite.

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