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Published byJonas Morris Modified over 9 years ago
REMINDER Check in on the COLLABORATE mobile app Pluggable Databases : Save money and time by harnessing the power of ORACLE for database consolidation Prepared by: John Larkin Sr. Database Administrator, OCP Advanced Database Services, LLC.. Session ID#: 830
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Oracle DBA for 18 years. (28 yrs overall). ■OCP ■UNIX (Linux, Solaris, Aix, Windows) ■Multi-year project to migrate to RAC One-Node ■Major Financial, Chemical, publishing and retail industries. ■ 2
Why do we want to use a Container Database? Retain cost savings and efficiencies of shared resources in the next generation server environment.
Pluggable Databases : Agenda ■Consolidation Overview ■Multitenant concepts ▪Scope ▪Currency ▪Services ▪Connections ▪Commonality ■Installation ■Physical Structure ■Migration – Get Plugged In ■Gotcha’s 4
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Consolidation ▪Prior methods worked at different levels — Server — Schema –issues ▪Oracle Database 12c — Integrated into the database — Decreased cost — Higher density –Shared memory –Shared processes 5
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d 6 Figure 2: OLTP Benchmark Comparison Only 3 GB of memory vs. 20 GB memory used for 50 databases. Multitenant architecture scaled to over 250 DBs while separate database
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Multitenant Container Database Concepts ▪The CDB – the backbone of Oracle’s multitenant architecture — holds the Containers — Root Container — Seed Pluggable database — Pluggable database – 0 or more — CDB is the instance –Demo –@d010 7
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d CDB is the instance – cont’d ■(sqlplus / as sysdba) Instance VERSION User Dbname -------------- -------------- --------- ---------------------- orcl12a SYS ORCL12A CON_NAME CON_ID (CONTAINER information) ---------------- CDB$ROOT 1 (alter session set container=pdborcl12a1) CON_NAME CON_ID (PDB information) ---------------- PDBORCL12A1 3 8
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d CDB is the instance – cont’d (Windows Services window) 9
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d Some important Terms ■CDB – multitenant container database – the top level. ▪A database that holds the containers. ■Container - all within a CDB ▪collection of schemas, objects, related structures in a CDB ▪Appears to a client (user or application) as a separate database. ▪Unique ID and name within a CDB — Root and all PDB’s. — Indistinguishable from non-CDB (12c and all pre-12c) to users. –Unless… you’re a DBA. — Isolate and insulate 10
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■The ROOT container ▪CDB$ROOT ▪Only 1 per CDB ▪All PDB’s belong to it. ▪No user data ▪Common user (prefix/suffix modifiable) 11
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■PDB – Pluggable database, a container ▪Compatibility Guarantee — A PDB is fully compatible with a non-CDB — Application to run without code changes and deliver the same results — Init.ora changes might be needed ▪User-created ▪Owned by SYS common user ▪Looks like a standalone database ▪Segregate application data and code ▪Migrations — from one CDB to another — Upgrades 12
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■PDB cont’d ▪Services — PDB accessed by a service name that is the same as the PDB name –PDB name must conform to service naming standards ▪SCOPE — Name resolution - dictionary of the container where you’re connected –Dictionary is horizontally partitioned. — Schemas in different databases –Independent, different datastore »Even if owned by a common user — Behaves like a non-CDB 13
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Data Dictionary Architecture/ ▪non-CDB dictionary — a mixture of Oracle-supplied and user-created objects ▪CDB Dictionaries appear to be separated by container — Data dictionary metadata is split between the root and the PDB’s — Views show different row counts in each container. — Keeps the oracle-owned and user-created objects separate. ▪ROOT — Oracle-owned objects ▪PDB — Unique user-created data — Pointers to ROOT dictionary 14
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Data Dictionary Architecture cont’d ▪Reduce unnecessary duplication ▪Efficient upgrade path — i.e. DBMS_SCHEDULER package only in CDB$ROOT ■Dictionary Separation provided by Links ■Metadata Links ▪Managed automatically, not user-modifiable — maintain the metadata about dictionary objects in the root — column definitions for Oracle-owned table exist only in the ROOT — Metadata link in the PDB points to the definition in the ROOT –i.e. OBJ$ - defined in ROOT, data in PDB ▪User-defined objects reside completely in the PDB.(container) ▪Includes init.ora 15
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Metadata Links cont’d ■Object Links - The other side of the coin — Store non-root container data for some special objects in the ROOT –AWR data (DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESSION) –Available to all containers. ■Container Data Objects (CDO (my term) ) ▪Tables/views - data from multiple containers and/or the CDB ▪built-in - restricts data based on common user permissions ▪Oracle-Supplied views - V$ and CDB_ are examples of CDO’s — CON_ID column – determine source — CDB_* data returned based on which container you’re connected to: –From ROOT – query metadata across all containers –From PDB – returns data only from that container 16
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Container Data Objects cont’d ▪Container IDMaps To 0The Whole CDB or a non-CDB 1CDB$ROOT 2PDB$SEED 3+User-created PDB ▪DEMO @d020 17
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■CDB_ vs DBA_ ■ROOT:PDBORCL12a1: ■select count(*) ■ from CDB_tables ■ COUNT(*)COUNT(*) ■ ---------------------------- ■ 4747 2409 ■ ■select count(*) ■ from DBA_tables ■ COUNT(*)COUNT(*) ■ ---------------------------- ■ 2338 2409 18
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Current Container ■The container in which the current session is running. ▪can be in the root, for common users ▪a PDB. ■A session has only one current container at any point in time. ▪name resolution /privilege authorization – curr. container’s dict. ■Cross container operation ▪DDL statement that affects the CDB, multiple containers, entities in common containers or a container different than the issuing user’s current container. ▪include database recovery and common user modifications. ■DEMO - files @d030 19
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Services and Connections ■connect to a PDB using a service ▪starts a session in a PDB — current container - permanent for the lifetime of the session. 20
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Demo ▪Standalone database — Upgrade to 12c — Other options, but more complicated ▪Read-Only ▪Describe the standalone db – generate xml manifest — dbms_pdb.describe() –Back it up w/ the datafiles – SCN in all must match ▪In CDB: — dbms_pdb.check_plug_compatibility — query pdb_plug_in_violations for ERRORS/WARNINGS(cdb$root) ▪Create PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb1 using ‘c:\manifiest.xml’ ▪Run noncdb_to_pdb.sql in the NEW PDB. 21
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d DEMO cont’d ■Create description/manifest exec dbms_pdb.describe(pdb_descr_file=> 'C:\Data\Collab2015\noncdb12b.xml'); 22
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d DEMO cont’d DECLARE compatibility CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3) := CASE DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY( pdb_descr_file => 'C:\Data\Collab2015\noncdb12b.xml', pdb_name => 'PDBORCL12A2') WHEN TRUE THEN 'Db to be PLUGGED in is COMPATIBLE' ELSE 'Db to be PLUGGED in is *** NOT COMPATIBLE ***' END; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(compatibility); END; 23
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d DEMO cont’d ■Check for Errors (still in CDB$ROOT) ▪SET lines 200 ▪col message FOR a100 ▪SET pages 100 ▪SELECT name,cause,TYPE,message FROM PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS WHERE name='PDBORCL12A2'; 24
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■DEMO cont’d ▪DEMO xx@d040 25
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■DEMO cont’d 26
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d ■Gotcha’s ▪Windows user accounts ▪Standardization — Database options — Database version ▪Multiple ways to get there ▪Non-CDBs are deprecated in 12c ▪Oracle recommends using CDBs (single-tenant or multitenant) ▪New paradigm – it’s coming, best to get used to it now ▪Noncdb_to_pdb.sql – errors out/closes sqlplus if not run from the PDB - duh. 27
Pluggable Databases : Save money and time cont’d 28 ■References ▪Tanel Poder ▪also see standalone-to-pluggable-migration.html
Please complete the session evaluation We appreciate your feedback and insight You may complete the session evaluation either on paper or online via the mobile app
Demo Scripts 30 -- --- DEMO START 0 ----------------- CDB/PDB select INSTANCE_NAME, CON_ID, VERSION, status, logins, shutdown_pending, DATABASE_STATUS, ACTIVE_STate from v$instance / prompt CDB/PDB info COLUMN name FORMAT A30 prompt SERVICEt info: SELECT name, pdb FROM v$services ORDER BY name / prompt CURRENT CONTAINER info: --col "Container" format a16 --col "Container_ID" format a16 col CON_NAME format a16 col CON_ID format a16 SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CON_NAME') "CON_NAME", SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CON_ID') "CON_ID" FROM dual / -- dupe name - diff datatype -- cdb_info.sql - almost te same as show pdbs col CON_ID format 999999999999 prompt PDB info: select CON_ID, --DBID, NAME, OPEN_MODE, --RESTRICTED SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID from v$pdbs / -- condollar - show all containers and id's select CON_ID#, DBID from sys.CONTAINER$ / -- cdatafile_info -- cdatafile_info.sql col file_name for a75 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a30 prompt CDB_data_files --select * from cdb_data_files select CON_ID, FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, Rpad(TABLESPACE_NAME, 30, '.') TABLESPACE_NAME, --BYTES --BLOCKS --STATUS --RELATIVE_FNO AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, --MAXBLOCKS --INCREMENT_BY --USER_BYTES --USER_BLOCKS ONLINE_STATUS from cdb_data_files order by file_id / prompt DBA_DATA_FILES select 'NULL ' Conn_ID, FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, --BYTES --BLOCKS --STATUS --RELATIVE_FNO AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, --MAXBLOCKS --INCREMENT_BY --USER_BYTES --USER_BLOCKS ONLINE_STATUS from dba_data_files order by file_id / set timing on -- --- CONVERT 1 ------------------ STANDALONE #rem In a PLAIN DOS window set ORACLE_SID=ncdb12b set SQLPATH=C:\Data\DBA\scripts\sql sqlplus / as sysdba set lin 200 set pages 49999 set sqlblanklines on select INSTANCE_NAME, VERSION, status, logins, shutdown_pending, DATABASE_STATUS, ACTIVE_STate, CON_ID from v$instance / -- in noncdb12b shutdown immediate startup mount exclusive select * from v$instance; alter database open read only; select * from v$instance; -- generate the manifest of the NONcdb - --writes SCN into the xml - matching the headers of the datafiles.. exec dbms_pdb.describe(pdb_descr_file=>'C:\Data\Oracle_Training\noncdb12bmodC1a.x ml'); -- --- CONVERT 2 ------------------ CDB -- IN CDB set feedback off SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE compatibility CONSTANT VARCHAR2(40) := CASE DBMS_PDB.CHECK_PLUG_COMPATIBILITY( pdb_descr_file => 'C:\Data\Oracle_Training\noncdb12bmodC1a.xml', pdb_name => 'PDBORCL12C1') WHEN TRUE THEN 'Db to be PLUGGED-IN is COMPATIBLE' ELSE 'Db to be PLUGGED-IN is *** NOT COMPATIBLE ***' END; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('..'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(compatibility); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('..'); END; / set feedback ON -- --- CONVERT 3 ------------------ non-CDB -- -- shutdown noncdb, prepare to copy the data files shutdown immediate -- copy files if necessary -- --- CONVERT 4 ------------------ CDB --... in the CDB -- this is BEFORE the create. (JM) SET lines 200 col message FOR a100 SET pages 100 SELECT name,cause,TYPE,message FROM PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS WHERE name='PDBORCL12C1'; -- OR check for ANY prior db errors --SELECT name,cause,TYPE,message FROM PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS --Create a PDB by using the noncdb manifest file. Use the file_name_convert parameter to place the copied data files in a different location. create pluggable database PDBORCL12C1 using 'C:\Data\Oracle_Training\noncdb12bmodC1a.xml' copy file_name_convert=('C:\app\oracle\oradata\ncdb12b', 'C:\APP\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL12A\ORCL12A\PDBORCL12B1') tempfile reuse -- CHECK ALERT LOGS for my 1st successful PLUGIN !!!! Tuesday. then recreate a 3rd and see if it was the exit cmd tha closed my window??? --@cdb -- show COntainer information prompt CDB/PDB info COLUMN name FORMAT A30 prompt SERVICEt info: SELECT name, pdb FROM v$services ORDER BY name / prompt CURRENT CONTAINER info: --col "Container" format a16 --col "Container_ID" format a16 col CON_NAME format a16 col CON_ID format a16 SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CON_NAME') "CON_NAME", SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CON_ID') "CON_ID" FROM dual / -- dupe name - diff datatype -- cdb_info.sql - almost te same as show pdbs col CON_ID format 999999999999 prompt PDB info: select CON_ID, --DBID, NAME, OPEN_MODE, --RESTRICTED SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID from v$pdbs / 3.Finalize the plug-in by opening the new PDB, closing it, and then reopening it. alter pluggable database PDBORCL12C1 open; alter pluggable database PDBORCL12C1 close; alter pluggable database PDBORCL12C1 open; -- change to the PDB !!!!!!! PDB --@altp -- altp.sql -- USAGE - pass the #ic protion of the pdb name, already have the prefix (pdborcl) in place. PROMPT USAGE - pass the #ic portion of the pdb name, already have the prefix (pdborcl) in place. ALTER SESSION SET container = pdborcl&1 / -- script is in the CDB's ORACLE_HOME @?\rdbms\admin\noncdb_to_pdb.sql -- start 1:48, end 2:10 --closes session if not in the NEW PDB! -- WAITING for conversion to complete - review more CDB details --...... approximately 20 min on a laptop -- Notice the datafiles from the new PDB are not visible from the CDB ROOT yet. --@cdatafile_info -- cdatafile_info.sql col file_name for a75 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a30 prompt CDB_data_files --select * from cdb_data_files select CON_ID, FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, Rpad(TABLESPACE_NAME, 30, '.') TABLESPACE_NAME, --BYTES --BLOCKS --STATUS --RELATIVE_FNO AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, --MAXBLOCKS --INCREMENT_BY --USER_BYTES --USER_BLOCKS ONLINE_STATUS from cdb_data_files order by file_id / prompt DBA_DATA_FILES select 'NULL ' Conn_ID, FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, --BYTES --BLOCKS --STATUS --RELATIVE_FNO AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, --MAXBLOCKS --INCREMENT_BY --USER_BYTES --USER_BLOCKS ONLINE_STATUS from dba_data_files order by file_id -- check the registry col comp_id for a10 col comp_name for a35 col version for a12 col status for a12 select * from registry$history select COMP_ID, COMP_NAME, VERSION, STATUS, MODIFIED from dba_registry -- The datafiles from the new PDB will be visible from the CDB ROOT AFTER the restart. -- Need close/reopen to get everything in sync alter pluggable database PDBORCL12C1 CLOSE alter pluggable database PDBORCL12C1 OPEN -- now see files across ALL containers. --@cdatafile_info -- cdatafile_info.sql col file_name for a75 col TABLESPACE_NAME for a30 prompt CDB_data_files --select * from cdb_data_files select CON_ID, FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, Rpad(TABLESPACE_NAME, 30, '.') TABLESPACE_NAME, --BYTES --BLOCKS --STATUS --RELATIVE_FNO AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, --MAXBLOCKS --INCREMENT_BY --USER_BYTES --USER_BLOCKS ONLINE_STATUS from cdb_data_files order by file_id / prompt DBA_DATA_FILES select 'NULL ' Conn_ID, FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, --BYTES --BLOCKS --STATUS --RELATIVE_FNO AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, --MAXBLOCKS --INCREMENT_BY --USER_BYTES --USER_BLOCKS ONLINE_STATUS from dba_data_files order by file_id /
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