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A Focus on Perspectives. In Geography we use the following terms to distinguish between ways in which people and groups ‘see’ the world. VIEWPOINTS PERCEPTIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "A Focus on Perspectives. In Geography we use the following terms to distinguish between ways in which people and groups ‘see’ the world. VIEWPOINTS PERCEPTIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Focus on Perspectives

2 In Geography we use the following terms to distinguish between ways in which people and groups ‘see’ the world. VIEWPOINTS PERCEPTIONS VALUES PERSPECTIVES

3 Perspective The lens through which one views the world Values deeply held beliefs moral, social, cultural, aesthetic, environmental, Environmental Social Cultural Gender Perceptions How people view the world Viewpoints Opinions about an issue

4 Viewpoints are what people think about a particular geographic topic or issue; their opinions. Viewpoints will differ according to people’s perceptions of an issue.

5 Perspectives The way in which people view and interpret environments e.g. agricultural change are usually the result of their background, experiences, involvement with environments or issues.

6 Perspectives are Ways of seeing the world that help explain differences in decisions about, responses to, and interactions with environments. Bodies of thought, theories or worldviews that shape people’s values and have built up over time.

7 Perspectives in Agriculture ISSUES in N.Z.

8 Perspectives on agricultural issues Economic Social Environmental Political Global Sustainable

9 2014121210#axzz3pYVMfA7V A report released yesterday by Dairy New Zealand says there's been progress made on improving the environmental performance of farms. But the Green Party and conservation group Forest & Bird say it's just greenwash, and the situation isn't improving. Forest & Bird says Dairy NZ is under-reporting instances of effluent running off into waterways. "Not letting dairy shed effluent leak into the nearest river or stream is absolutely basic stuff, and yet around one in 10 farmers are still being caught doing just this sort of thing," says Mr Hackwell. Forest & Bird says the report is misleading. "[The] report states only 18 farms were found to be significantly non-compliant - just 1 percent of dairy farms in the Taranaki," says Forest & Bird's Kevin Hackwell. "However, the Taranaki Regional Council recently released a report that showed the council has served 144 abatement notices and 33 infringement notices to dairy farmers in the last year for breaches of dairy farm effluent rules and conditions. DECEMBER 2014

10 Types of questions in the past:

11 The social cost of cities is widely postulated by those with a social perspective, those who place emphasis upon the intrinsic value of quality of life and less value on utility values, like the economic benefits of cities. ~ then, the candidate went on to talk about how people with a social perspective have a particular view about for these people cities come at a price. Excellent language




15 Top Geography Scholarship Students Realise that perspectives are ways of looking at issues. Fully understand the most common perspectives: social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, scientific, indigenous, gender and age. Show insight in understanding different perspectives. Fully understand the complexity of perspectives. Fully understand the ranges within any one perspective such as anthropocentric to bio-centric. Are able to critique and challenge the taken-for-granted ways of understanding the world.

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