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Classroom Procedures Ms. McMillian’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Procedures Ms. McMillian’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Procedures Ms. McMillian’s

2 Classroom Rules and Guidelines
Beginning of Class Be in the room on time and prepared to work.  Come to class prepared with any due assignments and ready to participate for the day.  Materials out on your desk; iPad, notebook, folder, and writing utensils. Collect any materials listed on the board.  Work on any Bell Work that is on the front screen.

3 Bell Work The work must be completed within five minutes of coming into class. You need to be ready to discuss the work at the end of the five minutes. This work will count as a participation grade, which will be used within your report cards.

4 Classroom Rules and Guidelines
During Class You are responsible students: respect one another and their property classroom and school property Listen to … directions and instructions peer questions and opinions During class instruction do not: sharpen pencils, throw trash away, or get a drink of water Always raise your hand to speak.

5 Classroom Rules and Guidelines
During Class If caught cheating: will receive a zero Talking during an assessment is considered cheating. Bathroom passes: no passes Take care of business before school, during transitions, during specials, and lunch. My desk is off limits! Never place assignments or papers on my desk with out my permission.

6 Classroom Rules and Guidelines
End of Class The clock does not dismiss you from class, I do! Listen to closing directions! Quietly pack your belongings. Pick-up trash around your desk. The custodians and I are not your maid. Line up in designated area and wait to transition to your next class.

7 Classroom Rules and Guidelines
Other Information It is your responsibility: to have all work turned in on the due date for full credit.   I will accept late assignments with a deduction of points  Remember there are times throughout the day to receive help; before, during lunch, and after school. Therefore, the phrase, “I did not understand the assignment,” will not be accepted. 

8 Classroom Rules and Guidelines
Other Information If there is a personal problem, talk to me so that way we can find a solution in order for you to become successful. Remember, always try for your personal best; no one has ever gotten ahead by being lazy and putting no effort into his or her work.

9 iPad Use Your device is a tool, not a toy!
Your iPad will remain closed unless told to use it for a classroom activity. When using the device, you need to follow the directions, or the following actions will be taken: 1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: Device will be put away for a set amount of time 3rd offense: The device will be taken for the rest of the class, and parent will be called. Your use of the device for the rest of the day will be decided by each teacher.

10 4 3 2 1 BEHAVIOR RUBRIC Respect Integrity Work Ethic Protocol
Respect Integrity Work Ethic Protocol 4 Role Model for others Focuses on speaker and instruction NO reminders Using Integrity in and out of the classroom Role Model and prepared for class with all materials and work. 100% work effort Role Model and follows PBIS and classroom guidelines and procedures at all times 3 RARELY needs reminders Uses integrity in and out of the classroom RARELY needs reminders Prepared for class with all materials and work. Follows PBIS and classroom guidelines and procedures 2 Needs redirection when focusing on speaker and instruction NEEDS reminders Needs redirection to use integrity in and out of the classroom NEEDS reminders Needs redirection to bring materials and work to class. Needs redirection to follow PBIS and classroom guidelines and procedures 1 Rarely focuses on speaker and instruction NEEDS CONSTANT reminders Rarely using integrity in and out of the classroom NEEDS CONSTANT reminders Rarely brings materials and work to class. Rarely follows PBIS and classroom guidelines and procedures

11 What happens if I don’t follow the classroom rules or guidelines?

12 CONSEQUENCES Fill out “Behavior Reflection Form” during lunch.
First Consequence Fill out “Behavior Reflection Form” during lunch. Second Consequence “Behavior Reflection Form” is sent home and needs to be returned with parent signature Third Consequence Request a parent/teacher/student conference and work on a positive solution to the issue at hand. Fourth Consequence Sent to office for insubordination of PBIS rules and guidelines.

13 CONSEQUENCES Principal’s Office
Students can and will be sent at anytime Severe infractions but not limited to the following: insubordination disruption to the educational process of a classroom and students core classes or specials Fighting and inappropriate language in or out of the classroom



16 Questions?

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