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Vocabulary Unit 1. 1. Assessment: evaluating something. For example, a test in math class is an “assessment” of your understanding of the subject. Formal.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 1. 1. Assessment: evaluating something. For example, a test in math class is an “assessment” of your understanding of the subject. Formal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 1

2 1. Assessment: evaluating something. For example, a test in math class is an “assessment” of your understanding of the subject. Formal Assessment: like an EOC test

3 2. Auditory: Relating to the sense of hearing.

4 Career: 3. An occupation or profession followed as a life’s work.

5 4. COBRA: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act; A law that says “if you lose your job, you can get medical insurance from your company for 18 months IF YOU PAY FOR IT”

6 5. Dexterity: skill in using the body or hands.

7 6. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC): Enforces laws to prevent unfair treatment on the job due to sex, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, or age.

8 7. Ethics: A group of principles of conduct that govern a group or society: Your should not kill You should not steal You should not cheat

9 8. Family Medical Leave Act: 1993; Employers with 50 or more workers have to give up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off (leave) a year so workers can take time off to help care for a new baby or an ill family member without fear of losing their jobs.

10 9. Fair Labor Standards Act: Sets minimum wage, requires over-time pay for time worked over 40 hours, and restricts the employment of minors.

11 10. Formal assessment: Standardized written or performance test of knowledge, aptitude, values, etc.

12 Gender identity: Sexual identify; how you identify yourself, either male or female

13 Generativity: The period of time in one’s life called the “working years”; from your late 20s to early 60s when people are productive in the world of work and develop families and are productive in society

14 Integrity: Following a strict code of conduct or standard of values that is acceptable in society

15 Interest Inventory: A survey of a person’s interests, such as do you like to run things, work with your hands, read, etc.

16 Don’t get these confused!!!!! Interpersonal: Relationships between persons. Intrapersonal: relationship with yourself

17 Inventory: An accounting of things.

18 Job: To do occasional pieces of work for hire; a task.

19 Kinesthetic: having to do with bodily movement

20 Learning Styles: The ways people think and learn.

21 Leisure: Time when you are not working or in school and you can do what you want

22 Life Roles: The various parts of one’s life, such as citizen, parent, spouse, worker, etc.

23 Life Stages: Changes that occur as we move through life experiences. You are now in the life stage called “adolescence.”

24 Linguistic: Pertaining to the use of language.

25 Logical: Use of reliable inference and reasoning.

26 Occupational Changes: Changes in job status.

27 Reduction in force: The employment of fewer people.

28 Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Extended protection to those with physical or mental handicaps.

29 Sandwich Generation: Group of people who are caring for both their parents and their children.

30 Self-concept: How people view their own skills, interests, and competence level.

31 Self-esteem: How one views oneself; pride; confidence.

32 Spatial: Pertaining to a sense of space.

33 Termination: Getting fired or laid off from a job

34 Unemployment insurance: A joint state-federal program where you receive a weekly payment from the government if you are laid off from a job through no fault of your own.

35 Values: Cherished ideas and beliefs that affect decisions a person makes.

36 Vocational Rehabilitation Services: If you have either a physical or a mental handicap these are provided to you for free in order to train you for a job

37 Work Ethic: How a person feels about his/her job and the effort he/she puts into it.

38 Work Needs: Those characteristics that employers require for employment (basic skills, thinking skills, personal qualities, workplace competencies).

39 Work Values: Ideas and beliefs concerning career/work that determine how much you like what you do. For example, one of my work values is: Independence. I do not like people telling me what to do so I look for a career where I can make my own decisions.

40 Worker’s Compensation: Guarantees financial assistance to workers injured on the job

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