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Ethical Conduct for Pastors I. Every pastor needs to consider the issue of ethics in the work of the ministry. A. What do we mean by “ethics”? 1. Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethical Conduct for Pastors I. Every pastor needs to consider the issue of ethics in the work of the ministry. A. What do we mean by “ethics”? 1. Ethics."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ethical Conduct for Pastors I. Every pastor needs to consider the issue of ethics in the work of the ministry. A. What do we mean by “ethics”? 1. Ethics – “The study and philosophy of human conduct, with emphasis on the determination of right and wrong” (Funk & Wagnall’s)

3 2. Ethical – “In accordance with right principles, as defined by a given system of ethics or professional conduct” (Funk & Wagnall’s) 3. Ethic – “The standard of character set up by any race or nation” (Funk & Wagnall’s)

4 B. Why are one’s ethics so important? 1. Your ethical standards shape your reputation. 2. Your ethical standards become your testimony. 3. Your ethical standards determine your ultimate success or influence.

5 C. What are some words or concepts that relate to the area of ethics? PositiveNegative HonestyDishonesty UprightnessDeceitfulness VirtueMalice MoralityImmorality StraightforwardDeceptive Above boardCrafty FairUnjust

6 D. What serves as the underlying basis for biblical ethics? Integrity! Integrity implies such honesty “that one is incorruptible or incapable of being false to a trust or a responsibility or to one’s own standards.” (Webster’s)

7 II. What are some areas of ethical conduct that pastors should consider? A. There are ethical conduct issues in the way we relate to other leaders and pastors. 1. Speak to them and about them in a positive way. 2. Be willing to work with them on joint efforts even when you are not in charge.

8 3. When they are speaking, give them your attention and visible support. 4. Answer mail and return phone calls promptly. 5. Return borrowed books. 6. Keep lines of communication open over straying members. 7. Be careful not to proselytize, but respect lines of authority.

9 B. There are ethical conduct issues in the way we relate to members of the congregation. 1. Remain impartial in your dealings with people. 2. Keep confidence inviolate. 3. Maintain discreet conduct toward members of the opposite sex.

10 a. Do not counsel alone. b. Do not travel alone. c. Show courtesy without undue familiarity. d. Avoid physical contact denoting affection. e. Love, admire and honor your spouse in public.

11 4. Do not demand the use of a certain title. 5. Take criticism without reacting. Don’t get defensive and especially do not retaliate. 6. Be true to convictions, yet easy to entreat. 7. Do not use the platform to beat people or adjust a few.

12 8. Be honest in the use of your time. 9. Do not constantly talk about how busy you are. 10. Beware of accepting those who disqualified themselves elsewhere. 11. Do not borrow from church members. 12. Do not enter into business practices that exploit members of the congregation.

13 C. There are ethical conduct issues in the way we relate to society at large. 1. Do not violate laws in the work of the church. 2. Avoid the “privileged character” image. 3. Obey the traffic laws. 4. Keep appointments.

14 5. Keep the church and its properties attractive. 6. Be courteous at all times. 7. Work towards good relations with neighbors and neighboring businesses. 8. Always pay bills on time. 9. Leave large tips in restaurants.

15 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and favor with God and man. Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and favor with God and man. Luke 2:52

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