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Ohio VOAD Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster Cooperation, Communication, Coordination, Collaboration 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio VOAD Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster Cooperation, Communication, Coordination, Collaboration 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio VOAD Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster Cooperation, Communication, Coordination, Collaboration 1

2 Ohio VOAD is the forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle—preparation, response, and recovery—to help disaster survivors and their communities. Ohio VOAD is the forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle—preparation, response, and recovery—to help disaster survivors and their communities. 2

3 Ohio VOAD Mission Statement To bring together voluntary organizations active in disaster services and foster effective response to the people of Ohio in time of disaster through:  Cooperation  Communication  Coordination  Collaboration 3

4 Cooperation: Through interdependence between/among Ohio VOAD members, to generate resources and share information in response to disaster challenges. 4

5 Communication: Through quarterly meetings and networking among our member organizations to maintain open and on-going information sharing. 5

6 Coordination: Through commitments to effective responses to disaster survivors by matching services to their unmet needs. 6

7 Collaboration: Through working with the Ohio & county EMAs, FEMA, and other organizations to respond to specific disasters. 7

8 Ohio VOAD Members 1. 1. Adventist Community Services 2. 2. American Baptist Churches of Ohio 3. 3. American Radio Relay League 4. 4. American Red Cross 5. 5. Ameritech Telephone Pioneers 6. 6. Catholic Conference of Ohio and Diocese of Columbus 7. 7. Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) 8. 8. Christian Business Men’s Convention (C.B.M.C.) 9. 9. Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 10. 10. Church Of The Brethren 11. 11. Church World Service Emergency Response Program 12. 12. Columbia County VOAD (Contractual Member) 13. 13. The Columbus Jewish Federation 14. 14. Corporation For National & Community Service 15. 15. Diocese of Toledo 16. 16. East Ohio Conference Of The United Methodist Church Disaster Response 17. 17. Episcopal Church 18. 18. FEMA 19. 19. First Community Church 20. 20. Friends Disaster Service 21. 21. Greater Dayton Christian Connections 22. 22. H.A.R.P. 23. 23. International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF) 24. 24. Lutheran Social Services 25. 25. Mennonite Disaster Service 26. 26. Ohio Community Service Council - Ohio Citizens Corps 27. 27. Ohio Council of Churches 28. 28. Ohio Crisis Response Team (OCRT) 29. 29. Ohio EMA 30. 30. Ohio Department Of Mental Health 31. 31. Ohio Department of Public Safety 32. 32. Ohio Federation of K9 Search Teams, Inc 33. 33. Ohio Funeral Directors Association 34. 34. Ohio State Convention of Baptist 35. 35. Ohio United Way 36. 36. Ohio VOAD Groups 37. 37. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team 38. 38. Richland Coda 39. 39. Rotary International 40. 40. Salvation Army 41. 41. Southwest Ohio River Valley Interfaith Disaster Response 42. 42. Steel Valley Search Dogs 43. 43. Synod Of The Covenant Presbyterian Church (USA) 44. 44. The Volunteer Connection Of Northwest Ohio 45. 45. Tzu Chi Foundation 46. 46. United Church of Christ, Ohio Conference 47. 47. Volunteer Disaster Recovery Group 48. 48. West Ohio Disaster Response Team Of The West Ohio United Methodist Church (WODRT) 8

9 Ohio VOAD Leadership Structure Ohio VOAD Board of Directors Officers Chair Mary Woodward Vice Chair Rebecca Tollefson Treasurer Roy Nelson Secretary Brenda Hostetler Directors Communications Sr. Michael Marie Education Tonya Craft Finance Lee Foster Government Relations Lee Foster Long-Term Recovery Jim Ditzler Membership Erin Cordle Publicity Bonnie Morrison Parliamentarian David Legg OEMA Liaison Greg Keller FEMA Ian Becherer-Gerrie 9

10 Disaster Recovery Process All disaster recovery begins at the local level  Undeclared individual events  Declared single or multiple events Extent of the disaster ($$$ assessments) determines the level of involvement. Ohio VOAD disaster response phases  Early response  Long-term recovery  Mitigation 10

11 11

12 Ohio VOAD is there – before, during, and after a disaster! 12

13 Ohio VOAD is there – before a disaster! Survival and quick recovery from a disaster depends on education and planning BEFORE the disaster. Ohio VOAD provides education and networking opportunities for member organizations and the general public through quarterly meetings and on-going regional training. 13

14 Ohio VOAD In Response Early Response –  Southern Baptist Chain Saw Teams  Church Of The Brethren & Southern Baptist Child Care  United Methodist, United Church of Christ, & Church World Services Flood Bucket Cleaning Kits  United Methodist, Southern Baptist, & United Church of Christ – Mud Out Teams & Early Response Teams (ERTs)  State/County EMA EOC Desk Coverage & Response  Chaplaincy Services  Feeding Stations and Victim Shelters – United Methodists, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, and other church denominations  Long-term Recovery Committees Creation  Volunteer Coordination 14

15 Ohio VOAD In Response Long-Term Response:  15% of disasters are handled by first responders (professionals)  85% of disasters are handled by volunteers!!!  Early response ends when the disaster area safety has been restored and access is open to the area impacted!  Ohio VOAD RESPONDS THROUGH LTRC’s!!!!! 15

16 Long-Term Recovery Committees LTRC’s work with local leaders from the impacted community by offering training and support from Ohio VOAD members with the following:  Establishing leadership and extended committees  Raising funds, needed donations, & and long-term recovery response teams  Developing case management capacities to make assessments of “UNMET NEEDS”  Coordinating long-term recovery response through: monetary donations recovery teams in-kind donations of household items: furnaces, hot water heaters, furniture, etc. 16

17 Ohio VOAD In Response Mitigation is an important element of long-term recovery. It is the day-in, day-out efforts to reduce disaster’s long-term risk to people and property. This is achieved by:  Community education and awareness  Relocation/elevation of homes  Promoting sound building design/construction practices, etc. All mitigation activities are also preparedness activities to lessen the impact of future disasters. 17

18 OHIO DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES - DIVISION OF WATER FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Why Worry About Flooding ? Floods cost Ohio more in lives and property damage than all other natural hazards combined. During the 1990’s floods in Ohio caused over $750 million in damages 18

19 OHIO DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES - DIVISION OF WATER FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Why Worry About Flooding ? * Ohio communities experience urban and rural flooding * We have large and small basin flooding. * Flash flooding can occur in Ohio. * We have long and short duration flooding. * Over 750 communities have identified flood hazard areas. * Special Flood Hazard Areas likely exist in your community 19

20 Flood Plain Problems 1. Many of the owners in floodplains are there because of the low cost of housing. 2. Many owners in floodplain areas can not afford to maintain flood insurance after the 1 st 3 years covered by their FEMA Victim’s Grant. 3. In the case of further flooding – who is going to care for their unmet needs? (Hint: Ohio VOAD) 20

21 Ohio VOAD Challenges Donation Management Monetary Household Items Donation Storage Flood and Health Kits Household Items Early Response Coordination – new territory – more of our member bodies have entered into early response phase Undeclared Individual Disasters 21

22 The Undeclared Disaster Challenges  Ohio VOAD is in the process of setting up an Standing LTRC/Unmet Needs Committee with volunteer and hired case managers to look at individual undeclared cases.  Undeclared victims have no access to state or federal funding.  Ohio VOAD member bodies are the sole outside source of response. 22

23 What Can You Do?  Work with us – help us identify county contacts for Ohio VOAD  Develop relationships with Ohio VOAD member and local faith-based organizations  Include Ohio VOAD in your training opportunities! Ohio VOAD Mary Woodward, Chair 23

24 OHIO VOAD Any questions?. OHIO VOAD Any questions?. 24

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