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Linda R. Coney – 5 November 2009 Online Reconstruction Linda R. Coney 5 November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Linda R. Coney – 5 November 2009 Online Reconstruction Linda R. Coney 5 November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linda R. Coney – 5 November 2009 Online Reconstruction Linda R. Coney 5 November 2009

2 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction  G4MICE uses the unpacker to look at data from DATE  It then converts the raw data into information with physical meaning  Goal: u Provide a fixed set of histograms to be filled during data taking u These histograms will contain quantities that can give information about the physics happening – a first look at analysis quantities u Provides another data quality check s Are we taking the data we think we are? s Are the detectors & beam behaving as planned? u Provide graphical interface to display plots u Provide comparison plots for shifters  Not meant to be final results  Collaboration chooses list of useful histograms u Preliminary list follows

3 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction Histograms  Step I  TOF u # planes hit/event u # slabs hit/event u Pulse heights u Distribution in x, y across TOF0, TOF1, TOF2  2D x vs y  gives shape of beam u Reconstructed time-of-flight  Momentum if assume  etc u dt (plane 1 vs plane2) in TOF0, TOF1, TOF2  2D x vs y  gives shape of beam u RF phase calculated vs absolute time in spill  CKOV u Light yield in CKOVA and in CKOVB u Construct some CKOV measure using the two CKOVs  KL ???  PID determination u CKOV A B light yield vs TOF u TOF vs PTracker u Check x,y in TOF1 vs x,y in the tracker at input and similarly at the other end of the channel for TOF2 and tracker2

4 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction Histograms  Step II & Beyond  Tracker(s) u # planes hit/event u # stations hit u Pulse heights u # points used in online reconstruction u Muon p x, p y, p z, p T, p at the 2 tracker reference planes u x,x’, y,y’ u 1D, 2D plots of position at 2 tracker reference planes u Light yield distributions for each station  PID determination u CKOV A B light yield vs TOF u TOF vs PTracker u Check x,y in TOF1 vs x,y in Tracker1 at input and same for TOF2 and exit of Tracker2  EMR ???

5 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction Histograms  Step I & Beyond  Beam emittance, amplitude u Beamline 2D plots (x, x’) & (y,y’) u x,y u x’,x u y’,y   x,  y u momentum u MICE Step III and IV – energy in Tracker1 vs energy in Tracker2 and DE u MICE Step V and VI s DE vs RF phase s DE vs absolute time

6 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction Histograms  What is needed to produce these plots?  Online Reconstruction farm  G4MICE installed on farm  TOF reconstruction  CKOV reconstruction  Tracker reconstruction  KL reconstruction  EMR reconstruction  Calibration for all detectors  Unpacking code for each detector  Check that G4MICE uses unpacker in a same way that Online Monitoring uses unpacker

7 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Current Status of Reconstruction  TOF Reconstruction and calibration well underway  CKOV reco same  Tracker reconstruction works

8 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction Farm  Installed two farm computers in MICE control room March 09 u MICEOnRec01a u MICEOnRec01b u MICEOnRec02a u MICEOnRec02b  Total of three quad-core processors  G4MICE installed on both  Tests run u Reconstructed tracker cosmic ray test data s 114 events/second u Ran simulation, digitization, and reconstruction of Step VI s Simulation: ~262 events/second s Simulation + Digi: ~236 events/second s Reconstruction: ~1920 events/second

9 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction Histograms  What is needed to produce these plots?  Online Reconstruction farm   G4MICE installed on farm   TOF reconstruction   CKOV reco   Tracker reco   KL reco ?  EMR reco (later)  Unpacking code for each detector u TOF, CKOV, GVA, KL  u Trackers, EMR (late 2009)  Check that G4MICE uses unpacker in same way that Online Monitoring uses unpacker u Can produce online monitoring plots with G4MICE  u Testing under way to compare to standard Online Monitoring plots (11/09)

10 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction  Read data u Questions: Read from socket (as Online Monitoring) or from data file? u Issues: How read socket data? Will it affect DAQ?  Process data u Use only released version of reconstruction software u Online Reco in CVS u Offline reconstruction code used to process data but then histograms specific to Online Reco will be produced u Initial version of this code exists thanks to Mark Rayner s Application: OnlineReconstruction u Iterative process – initial version only has TOF information  Create plots u Use Root – Parallel processing on the different online reco computers s PROOF determined to be good way to accomplish this – Paul Kyberd  Save data – Henry Nebrensky u Online Reco root files will be saved along with the run data and the Online Monitoring files u OnRec.####.root

11 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Architecture parallel root (proof) One server distributes events to other cores, and/or other CPUs Automatically returned to server for aggregation. Potential to scale well. Runs C++ code (compiled), so will run the offline code or some (simplified) version. Runs C++ as a scripting language so the possibility of rapid response to new requirements. Integrate the Date reading software during CM25. Get a test process running on old data, during the week 7-14 of November. 23-24 November dedicated runs to test system. Around a week later second run to fix problems. Initial version running from 7 December Schedule Rationale Solution

12 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Online Reconstruction Questions  Do we need absolute real-time information? Is one-file delay a problem?  Which calibration to use? u Whatever is in the release.  How many plots do we want?  Corrolary: What is the processing overload? u Ntuples with the ability to play randomly with the data is not intended.  Do we use already existing beamline design tools (ex. Chris Rogers)?  Will it be done by the end of November? u No. We will have a simplified version to show that the method works and will produce TOF plots. u Iterative process – add more as more reconstruction capability exists.  ad

13 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009 Conclusions  Now: u Read out and decode DATE DAQ from MICE beam data u Can reconstruct TOF, CKOV, Tracker data u Initial version of Online Reco Application exists u Parallel processing solution found: PROOF  Next: u Implement online reconstruction for Step I u Goal to see first plots in MLCR by end November s Can practice with old data s Start with TOFs and CKOV u Gather more requests for Online Reco plots  Eventually: u Include necessary information for further steps u Routinely have shifters monitoring detectors and MICE physics in MLCR

14 Linda R. Coney – 5 Nov 2009

15 MICE Online  So far: u DAQ front end u Trigger u Event Building u Controls and Monitoring  Given that we are successfully running the experiment and creating data u How do we know the equipment is working well? u How do we check the data quality?  Two levels of real-time data quality checks u Online Monitoring s Look at raw data for each board in the DAQ s No translation into physical quantities u Online Reconstruction s Initial look at analysis variables and detector information with geometry  Next: see Data Flow MICE notes 252 & 255

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