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Japan Internet Exchange Service Progress in 2000 Yoshikazu Ikeda Toshiki Ueda

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1 Japan Internet Exchange Service Progress in 2000 Yoshikazu Ikeda Toshiki Ueda

2 Japan Internet Exchange provides IX service at the focal point of Japan’s Internet traffic, KDD Otemachi Building. was founded in July 1997 with 16 shareholders including KDD, NEC, Fujitsu, JENS, SONY, TokyoInternet and Cisco Systems. uses two duplex FDDI GigaSwitches and is going to expand IX capabilities in Tokyo. As of January 2000, there are 38 customers and will be 50 in the end of the year.

3 38 Connected ISPs and 5 Connecting ISPs

4 300M bps 780M 1.4G 2001/1 ● ● Expected Increase of Traffic Volume ●

5 160M 3 hours 90M TELEHODAI 1999/1/132000/1/13 24 Hour Traffic Pattern bps

6 Plans in 1999 Starting to shift from FDDI to Ethernet technologies Provision of Gigabit Ethernet ports and Fast Ethernet ports Launch of New IX switches in Tokyo Possible sites for the selection: 1)NF Park Building 2)Telecom Center 3)GAL Telecom House 4)Mitsubishi Dia Building

7 GigaSwitchSSR Router FDDI, FFDT Gigabit Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Addition of Gigabit Ether Switch

8 Thank you All of you are invited to a JPIX Technical Tour. For reservations, please contact us.

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