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Ian Mackay Tanzi Smith Deb Seal

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1 Ian Mackay Tanzi Smith Deb Seal

2 MRCCC aims to promote, within the community, a common view of a sustainable and productive catchment Celebrated 20 years of incorporation in 2015 Committee - 24 delegates from different sectors - community, industry and government We take a strategic approach Public donations have funded our “new” catchment centre at 25 Stewart Terrace, Gympie What do we do? How do we do it?

3  Implementing the Mary River Threatened Aquatic Species Recovery Plan  $2.4 million project - May 2012 to June 2017  Funded by the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Futures Fund  Partners include Noosa, Barung, Tiaro & Gympie Landcare, Seqwater, Greater Mary Association Inc, the Councils and landholders  Threatened species: Mary River Cod and Turtle, Australian Lungfish, Giant-barred Frog & Freshwater Mullet

4 Restoring Riparian Resilience.. Projects in 22 Demonstration Reaches Goomong (Demo 1) Kenilworth (Demo 5) Six Mile (Demo 16) 23+ Engagement events in the last year Consistently exceed targets required by the Australian Government Revegetation Restoration Weed control Community engagement


6  funding partnership with BMRG  Three key areas: Mary River, Maryborough Mary River, Kenilworth Lower Munna Creek Mary River Kenilworth Charles Street Park riverbank stabilisation project demonstrates collaborationMary River Kenilworth Charles Street Park riverbank stabilisation project demonstrates collaboration SeqwaterSeqwater Sunshine Coast CouncilSunshine Coast Council BMRG & MRCCCBMRG & MRCCC

7 Reef Programme Projects Over-subscribed for grazing projects Targeting projects that improve downstream water quality Grazing projects such as riparian fencing Local grazing industry is an enthusiastic supporter Promoting best practice through field-days

8 In 2014-2015:  8 networks including 2 new networks with new volunteers Tiaro – Gundiah Upper Tinana  77 individuals, families and businesses volunteering  871 water samples collected  127 sites sampled at least once  Interactive map online: Interactive map online mid=zGIQzjdBcxy0.ktIDaHQ9QgGE mid=zGIQzjdBcxy0.ktIDaHQ9QgGE

9 HOW?

10 Mary River, Gilldora 1997 2005 1999 2013

11 Before, 2005 After, 2009 After, 2014

12  Hosting 4 Land for Wildlife Field days in the Gympie and Fraser Coast regions annually

13  Auspicing Valley Bees, Cooloola Nature and the Gerry Cook Hatchery at Lake Macdonald

14 Auspicing the Koala Action Group, Gympie region, established in December 2014 A sighting form for members of the public to record koala sightings has been developed MRCCC staff and volunteers enter Koala and other fauna sightings into the Qld Government Wildnet database MRCCC supporting the community KAG members are spreading the word about the need to protect koalas and their habitat

15  Provision of an information and resource centre in Gympie  Offering a basic dam, bore and creek water testing service Providing space for small meetings  Incorporating solar power and hot water, and 15,000 gallons of rain water  Aim to establish demonstration gardens

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