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What is Evolutionary Classification?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Evolutionary Classification?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Evolutionary Classification?
What criteria do biologists use to classify organisms?

2 What criteria do biologists use to classify organisms?
LEQ What criteria do biologists use to classify organisms? (to group, categorize, arrange, sort or cluster)

3 What evidence would you expect to have to support your claim?
According to evolutionary classification which is more closely related a chimpanzee and a human or a koala and a panda? What evidence would you expect to have to support your claim?

4 Taxa (or “Groups”) Organisms are classified by the number of characteristics they have in common. The more characteristics organisms have in common the more taxa they have in common.

5 Traditional Scientific Classification
Panda Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Ursidae Genus: Ailuropoda Species: A. melanoleuca Koala Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Infraclass: Marsupialia Order: Diprotodontia Family: Phascolarctidae Genus: Phascolarctos Species: P. cinereus

6 Scientific Classification
Chimp Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Pan Species: Pan paniscus Human Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: H. sapiens

7 Cladistics Takes into consideration a number of derived characters, like… Morphology DNA or amino acid sequence

8 KEY TERMS Phylogeny (phyl- meaning “race or distinct type of organism” or group + -gen meaning “producing” i.e. reproducing) Tribe in which one is born Cladistics (clade = family group) System of organizing groups by # of shared traits & their order of appearance (or disappearance)

9 PHYLOGENY The idea that all organisms are thought to have descended from an ancient common ancestor. Hypothesized evolutionary paths taken by organisms over long periods of time is depicted by a tree.


11 CLADISTICS Grouping organisms into a “clade” (group) that includes an ancestor and all descendants It’s a hypothesis depicting one possible path of speciation (based on the inheritance of derived traits)


13 Characteristics of a Cladogram
Shows order of derived traits (lower branches showed up earlier) Shows which groups share the same traits All taxa that are "upstream” from the point where one line becomes two (traced directly to one node) are said to be members of a group Any two branch tips sharing the same immediate node are most closely related

14 CLADOGRAM Which of these is most unlike the others?
And which trait separates this organism from the others?

15 CLADOGRAM Derived Characters (+ symbol means the organism does have that feature) segmented jaws hair placenta multicellular limbs kangaroo + - earthworm amoeba lizard cat sponge salmon


17 CLADOGRAM Derived Characters (+ symbol means the organism does have that feature) segmented jaws hair placenta multicellular limbs kangaroo + - earthworm amoeba lizard cat sponge salmon


19 CLADOGRAM Derived Characters (+ symbol means the organism does have that feature) segmented jaws hair placenta multicellular limbs kangaroo + - earthworm amoeba lizard cat sponge salmon


21 CLADOGRAM Derived Characters (+ symbol means the organism does have that feature) segmented jaws hair placenta multicellular limbs kangaroo + - earthworm amoeba lizard cat sponge salmon


23 CLADOGRAM Derived Characters (+ symbol means the organism does have that feature) segmented jaws hair placenta multicellular limbs kangaroo + - earthworm amoeba lizard cat sponge salmon


25 CLADOGRAM Derived Characters (+ symbol means the organism does have that feature) segmented jaws hair placenta multicellular limbs kangaroo + - earthworm amoeba lizard cat sponge salmon



28 What are the relationships between A, B, C, D, and E?

29 Build A Cladogram


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