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1 16/10/2013. 2 A product of excellent quality A hand-made product A product from the land A product with a history and a tradition A product which has.

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Presentation on theme: "1 16/10/2013. 2 A product of excellent quality A hand-made product A product from the land A product with a history and a tradition A product which has."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 16/10/2013

2 2 A product of excellent quality A hand-made product A product from the land A product with a history and a tradition A product which has a name A product with the right to be protected Mark of Origin which guarantees the quality of the product A notion which is well-known by the E.U Le Gruyère AOP

3 3 Tradition

4 4 2/07/92Signature of the Gruyère Charter 2/06/97 Creation of the Interprofession organization 1/07/97 Introduction of the AOC rules 22/01/98 Deposition of the AOC file 7/12/98 New Law 1/05/99 New dairy market 6/7/01AOC in Switzerland 12/2011Agreement with EU (AOC) 09/2013Trade Mark in USA Le Gruyère AOP

5 5 Aims Mark of Origin, guarantee for quality, AOP Management of the production of Le Gruyère AOP Promotion of Le Gruyère AOC All other action concerning the interests of Le Gruyère AOP Definition of the rules for the good working of Le Gruyère AOP on the market and their application Interprofession du Gruyère

6 6 Rules AOP - IGP Mark of origin from the region historical product the character and qualities are primarily due to the geographical environment, comprising natural and human factors a product which is transformed and elaborated within a defined geographical area.

7 7 Members 2300 dairy producers in over 170 cheese dairy societies 52 mountain pastures 18 maturing cellars for 9 cheese-refiners Interprofession du Gruyère

8 8 Organs Committee 4 dairy producers 4 cheese-makers 4 cheese-refiners 1 president (O. Kessler) Delegates Assembly20 producers 20 cheese-makers 10 cheese-refiners The dairy producers and cheese-markers must carry out their work within the AOP area of production, the majority of the cheese-refiners must also fulfill this condition. An administration

9 9 Area of production

10 10 Description of conditions Cattle feed 70% of the ration coming from the farm No silage No preserving agent No growth or hormone treatment

11 11 Milk delivery twice a day No anonymous milk Radius of supply within 20 km Work in heating vat maximum 18 hours after milking No pasteurization Home made culture Description of conditions

12 12 Affix a casein mark Number of the cheese dairy Number of the mark Date of manufacture Mark around the wheel

13 13 Cellars Spruce wood shelves Temperature and humidity control (internal climate) Care and attention Gradation Description of conditions

14 14 A chance for a traditional product A chance for a network A chance in face of the world A guarantee for the consumer A tool to maintain the diversity of tastes  Le Gruyère AOP at anytime and for every taste. Bon appétit !

15 15 The production ( 1. January 2013)

16 16 Selling in tons

17 17 Selling in tons 2012

18 18 Gruyère AOP Export 2001-2012

19 19 Gruyère AOP gradation in tons

20 20 Bus Zermatt Tram Geneva

21 21

22 22

23 23

24 24 Interprofession du Gruyère Case postale 12 1663 Pringy  : +41 (0)26 921 84 10 Fax: +41 (0)26 921 84 11 E-mail:

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