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MuSL Builder Handcrafting custom Mu Scenarios. MuSL in the Mu Scenario Editor.

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Presentation on theme: "MuSL Builder Handcrafting custom Mu Scenarios. MuSL in the Mu Scenario Editor."— Presentation transcript:

1 MuSL Builder Handcrafting custom Mu Scenarios

2 MuSL in the Mu Scenario Editor

3 MuSL Builder Overview MuSL_Builder is a Ruby project that creates scenarios in the Mu Scenario Language (MuSL) Each MuSL_Builder component class creates protocol messages from text template files Messages are chained together to create a complete scenario

4 High Level: The Builder UI

5 Builder UI The Builder UI puts together properties from the parameters and scenario steps dynamically created by the user The Builder UI then builds the MuSL file using the MuslBuilder class Outputs a.msl file and file for future re-use

6 The Power of MuSL_Builder From a few message classes, it is easy to create a wide variety of scenarios For example, to create a simple ‘ping’ flood, one would only need to use a single ICMP message class and a one-line statement in a MuSL_Builder properties file: messages=ICMPPing(100)

7 A SIP Example Given the sample SIP message templates, you could easily create a wacky scenario from properties files entries such as: sequence=wacky:SIPInvite(17),SIPPrack(3),SIPBye,SIPRegister(2),SIPAck,SIPBye,SIPTrying(12) messages=wacky(114) A scenario created from this definition would contain 4,218 messages

8 MuSL Builder Source Code The project is located in mu-labs: – labs/source/browse/trunk/analyzer/automation/ MuSL_Builder labs/source/browse/trunk/analyzer/automation/ MuSL_Builder The project contains sample code for a variety of protocols, including SIP, IMAP, FTP, BGP and ICMP

9 MuSL Builder Pieces A complete set of MuSL Builder components includes: – The MuslBuilder class the executable run from the command-line – A Base class defines custom headers, options and variables – A Properties File defines the scenario – Protocol Message Files compose the scenario steps

10 Base Classes Each component implements its own Base class in order to customize the header with: – transports – options – variables Base classes derive from a common base class which shares global fields among messages of the same component

11 FTPBase with transport and options

12 Message Files There are two types of messages: – Client messages are sent to a Server – Server messages are sent to a Client Each message file creates a complete protocol message in MuSL Message files are simple.txt files containing messages in the Mu Scenario Language

13 A Sample Message File # Request: USER anonymous FTP_Client_Send_ =.client_send { # ftp|File Transfer Protocol (FTP) "USER "$user"\\r\\n" } FTP_Server_Receive_ = FTP_Client_Send_.server_receive

14 Sample Message: Step The ‘step’ is a unique identifier for each message pair, and is tracked globally In the example template, the following line in the template: – SIP_Client_Send_ = Is transformed at runtime, replacing with the value of the global ‘step’ field. The resulting line might look like this: – SIP_Client_Send_2 =

15 Sample Message: Transport Each message class has a default transport in its constructor The default transport can be overridden by specification in the properties file: – messages=FTPMkdir[ALT_FTP_TRANSPORT].client_send becomes ALT_FTP_TRANSPORT.client_send

16 The MuslBuilder Class muslbuilder.rb is the executable class – reads in a properties file or array – output a complete scenario in the Mu Scenario Language The builder class creates a Hash (called ‘params’) from the properties which is passed into the Component base class constructor

17 Properties Properties can be in a text file or passed in to muslbuilder as an array, containing – options – sequences – messages – components – additional transports – scenario_name – output_file The properties are read by the muslbuilder (executable) and contain the blueprint for constructing the scenario Properties files can have any name

18 Properties: Parameters Parameters are passed along to base class constructors, and typically contain global Scenario option or variable names and default values: – – sender=joe_sender – recipient=joanna-recipient The only required properties are “messages” and “components”, which defines the name of the protocol(s) to be used – components=FTP,HTTP

19 Properties Files: Sequences Sequences – Sequences are comma-separated lists of component message class names, in the format – sequence=sequence_name:Class1,Class2,Class3… sequence=bye:SIPBye,SIPOk A properties file can contain any number of user defined sequences – Sequences also provide a repeat syntax, which causes the specified message to be repeated as many times in a row as indicated sequence=flood:SIPInvite(1000),SIPBye(12),SIPOk

20 Properties Files: Messages Messages are a comma-separated list containing any combination of message class and/or sequence names There can be only one messages line per properties file messages=bye,SIPAck(12),flood,SIPRinging,SIPAck(2) Using messages and sequences, all sorts of message patterns can be arbitrarily constructed

21 Properties Files: Additional Transports Sometimes you may want to add a transport later in the scenario. In the properties files, transports look similar to sequences: – transport=key:value The transport can be added to a ‘sequence’ or put directly into ‘messages’. The transport can be used in any following step, using the alternate transport syntax Musl_Builder changes the transport to a string in the form of “key = value” and inserts it into the scenario – Example: transport=FTP_2:tcp(dst_port: 21) messages=FTPReady,FTPUser,FTP_2,FTPGoodbye[FTP_2] – FTP_2 = tcp(dst_port: 21)

22 Building a Scenario From the command-line in the root directory, invoke ruby specifying and a properties file name. ruby muslbuilder.rb properties/ The resulting text is a complete scenario in the Mu Scenario Language

23 Sample Assertions and Variables SIP_Client_Receive=SIP_Server_Send.client_receive { assertions { /SIP\/2.0 (\d+)/:1 == "200" } variables { @to_tag = /To:.*?tag=(\w+)/:1 }

24 Sample Global Options template = 'scenario(name: "SIP") { options { $domain=" ” $sender=" " $recipient=" " } steps { SIP = udp(src_port: 5060, dst_port: 5060) } }'

25 Sample Global Variables template ='scenario(name: "ICMP") { variables { @data = random_bytes(56) @id = random_integer(4096) } steps { ICMP = ip(protocol: 1) } }'

26 MuslParser: From Pcap To MuslBuilder MuslBuilder message classes can be built readily from existing pcaps – 1. import pcap into the MuSL Editor – 2. save the left-pane as a text file (e.g. “ftp.msl”) – 3. ruby musl_parser.rb ftp.msl FTPftp.msl MuslParser splits the.msl file into individual message step text files, including the erb substitutions needed for step counters and transports – You will still need to change the message text file names as appropriate MuslParser also outputs a base.rb class containing the global options, variables and transports discovered in the msl file

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