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This relationship between a Gallon, Quarts, Pint and Cups can assist you in remembering their relationship to each other. 1 gal. = 4 qt. = 8 pt. = 16.

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Presentation on theme: "This relationship between a Gallon, Quarts, Pint and Cups can assist you in remembering their relationship to each other. 1 gal. = 4 qt. = 8 pt. = 16."— Presentation transcript:



3 This relationship between a Gallon, Quarts, Pint and Cups can assist you in remembering their relationship to each other. 1 gal. = 4 qt. = 8 pt. = 16 cups

4 A fluid ounce is a volume measure. One fluid ounce is the amount of space needed to hold one ounce of water or water- like liquids. Only one fluid ounce of water and water-like liquids weigh one ounce.

5 Many believe that 1 cup always weighs 8 ounces. This is incorrect! Only 1 cup (8 fl.oz.) of water or a water-like liquid will, definitely, weigh 8 ounces. 1 cup of something other than water or water- like liquid will equal 8 fluid ounces, but will not necessarily weigh 8 ounces.

6 WATER-LIKE LIQUIDS For these liquids it IS safe to assume that 1 cup weighs 8 ounces: Vinegar Juice Alchohol Oil* *Actually, oil is lighter than water but the difference is so small that it is ignored in these mathematical culinary applications. OTHER LIQUIDS For these liquids it IS NOT safe to assume assume that 1 cup weighs 8 ounces: Molasses Honey Maple Syrup Corn Syrup Heavy Cream These liquids are more dense than water.

7 If a recipe calls for 8 fluid ounces of honey, it is referring to: The amount of honey that fills the space that holds 8 ounces of water, or 1 cup.One cup of honey, not 8 ounces of it! The Ladle Confusion Many confuse the use of a ladle: LADLES MEASURE FLUID OUNCES ONLY! For example: Using a 4 ounce ladle when you need 4 ounces of flour! A 4 fluid ounce ladle is really 1/2 cup. It is not safe to assume that flour weighs the same as a water- like liquid in a given volume. (Actually 1 cup of flour weighs 4 ounces!!)

8 "A Pint is a Pound the World Around" Or is it? Have you heard this common saying? It is a very popular way to remember that a filled pint weighs 16 ounces. However, after going through this lesson, you be questioning this notion. A pint is pound the world around when it is filled with water or a water-like liquid. If it is filled with flour, it will not weight a pound. Be careful with this saying - it is not always true!



11 If you look carefully at this photograph of a liter and a quart filled with chicken stock you will notice a slight difference (1.8 fluid ounces) in how much they hold.

12 Start with what you know: 34 cups Put it over 1

13 On the bottom of the next fraction put the unit that you are converting away from (cups) Put the unit that you are converting to on the top (Gallons). Fill in the numbers that create the equivalency. (1 Gallon = 16 cups)

14 Multiply straight across disregarding the different units. Reduce the fraction answer (if necessary).


16 Instead of going through all the steps of the Bridge Method, some prefer to do the organizing in their mind and skip writing down the math steps.

17 There really is no difference. The Bridge Method: 1.Organizes the steps 2.Takes away the guesswork when: 1.Selecting the operations 2.Choosing the Units The Alternative Method: 1.Skips the formality of The Bridge Method 2.Cuts right to the the math calculation 3.Is quicker

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