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“Principle 9: Re-verb-erate”

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1 “Principle 9: Re-verb-erate”
SAT Essay Prep “Principle 9: Re-verb-erate”

2 Form of the verb “to be”:
Is Am Are Was Were Be Being Been Has Have Had Do Does Did Shall Will Should Would Might May Must Can Could

3 Just being is sufficient action to qualify as a verb…
Her husband is on the sofa. He still had a disco-era polyester leisure suit.

4 However, BE verbs are rarely the best choice. Try something else…
Her husband vegetates on the sofa. He still owned (sported? wore? possessed?) a disco-era polyester leisure suit.

5 Sample #1 - Original …There are other minor regrets I have, like quitting instruments, not going camping with my friends one weekend, and not buying that shirt or those shoes. Even though, I’ve learned, there are moments in one’s life that are regrettable, there are always ways to change those regrets into learning experiences that you can use as a guidance to pave the right path for your future.

6 Sample #1 - Revision …Other minor regrets also nag me, (stick in my subconscious), like quitting instruments, not going camping with my friends that one weekend, and not buying that shirt or those shoes. Yet, through these experiences I learned that life’s moments of regret can change into learning experiences that provide guidance and pave the right path for the future.

7 Sample #2 - Original Time marches on with or without us. When I was eight I dreamed of reaching thirteen, finally having the title of teenager. When I was thirteen, I anticipated the golden age of sixteen, the freedom of your driver’s license and the knowledge of responsibility like I had never had before…

8 Sample #2 - Revision Time marches on with or without us. At eight I dreamed of reaching thirteen, finally boasting the title of teenager. At thirteen, I anticipated the golden age of sixteen, the freedom of a driver’s license, and a new level of knowledge of responsibility…

9 Sample #3 - Original When I was a young child, my mother would always play either jazz music or classical music on the radio. She would play Kenny G., Toni Braxton, Patsy Cline, and other artists. I remember being in the car always falling asleep to the music…

10 Sample #3 - Revision When I was a young child, my mother always played either jazz music or classical music on the radio--Kenny G., Toni Braxton, Patsy Cline, and other artists. I remember falling asleep to that music in the car…

11 The power or legible handwriting
“Scribbling Rivalry” The power or legible handwriting

12 Carefully write out the entire alphabet in CURSIVE (UPPER and lower case) on the front of handwriting practice sheet.

13 2. Write out the opening paragraph of “Scribbling Rivalry” in cursive.

14 2. Use the front and back of the handwriting practice paper
2. Use the front and back of the handwriting practice paper. Pay attention to your letter sizes and forms.

15 2. Rewrite it again on REGULAR notebook paper. Due TUESDAY.



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