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Marketing Management Lecturer: Prof. William R. Parkin Assignment:Marketing Plan Raffle International College (Cambodia) Limited Prepared By: Ban Youseng.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Management Lecturer: Prof. William R. Parkin Assignment:Marketing Plan Raffle International College (Cambodia) Limited Prepared By: Ban Youseng."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Management Lecturer: Prof. William R. Parkin Assignment:Marketing Plan Raffle International College (Cambodia) Limited Prepared By: Ban Youseng Phnom Penh | Cambodia

2 Market Summary Educational Market can be said to be very huge especially for the country like Cambodia, Phnom Penh | Cambodia

3 Product Offer Educations Experience Skills Phnom Penh | Cambodia

4 Product Offering Raffle International College (Cambodia) Limited, presently offers Advance-Diploma Degree for following courses. – Interior Design Course – Fashion Design Course – Fashion Marketing & Management Course – Visual Communication Course – Multimedia Design Course – Business Courses Phnom Penh | Cambodia

5 Market Demographics Geographic As the organization is located in Phnom Penh, Capital City of Cambodia, the Geographic location can be said in a good & suitable location whereby majority of target market is located. The total population in the area is around 1,500,000 people as report in 2010 according to [] Demographics Gender doesn’t really matter in Cambodia With Ages 0- 14 years is about 31.9% With Ages 15-24 years is about 21.9% Income gap According to Behavior Factors Parents tend to believe that their children education is the most important in surveying in the future Business owner keep persuading higher skill, and knowledge of fashion design & interior design in order to keep in touch with the rapid development of fashion & design world, specially the rapid influence of Europe’s culture being brought through internet and other medias. Phnom Penh | Cambodia

6 Market Needs International Experience Useful & up to date knowledge & Skill Raffle International College (Cambodia)Limited can fulfill all these needs through offering the education from lecturers who specialize and experience in their teaching skill, Phnom Penh | Cambodia

7 Market Trends There is no need to mention the market trends as it is already a common known thing that education is never end, so does the demand for skill & experience. Phnom Penh | Cambodia

8 Market Growth With the country is developing, education is none the less the most important of all business sectors Phnom Penh | Cambodia

9 SWOT Analysis Strengths In-depth industry experience and insight Raffle International College (Cambodia) Limited is subsidiary of Raffles Education Corporation. Brand awareness is already there. Weaknesses The lack of staffs (Full Time Lecturers) in agreeing to work in this developing county and its weather condition as well as the security. The limitation of campus area. The legal right from Ministry of Education of Cambodia to issue Bachelor Degree locally. Opportunities Market is not mature Competition is still very small Target Market is large Target market is demand Threats Politic of the country is unstable Degrees of corruption Future competitor entering as market open in 2015 AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) Phnom Penh | Cambodia

10 Key to Success The key to success for Raffle International College (Cambodia) Limited is to have good relationship with the government, follow all legal right and requirement as stated while persuading the Ministry of Education of Cambodia to obtain the legal right for issuing the Bachelor Degree. Enlarge its campus in order to fit in more students while continue offering the high standard. Phnom Penh | Cambodia

11 Critical Issue As the recent shut down of Branches in neighbor country, Vietnam due to conflict reasons with government. This has built history, a bad reputation. Thus, it is possible that the Ministry of Education of Cambodia will take this into considering offering the legal right for issuing the Bachelor Degrees. Phnom Penh | Cambodia

12 Marketing Mix – Price: stay constant – Place: location is not the problem, however the size of the building is need to consider, as such the action plan is once the student studying reach 200, the director will submit proposal to Head office location in Singapore to consider on investing in larger campus. – Advertising: the only way to increase number of students should be through advertising, that is the reason that school has partner will many newspaper companies and other media. In addition, the College will try to host as many events as possible to attract the attention and awareness of high-school graduating students as well as worker in fashion & interior designer career. – Quality offer: It is something that College can do really well, through offering the suitable and experienced staff (Lecturers) to offer product (education) to the customer (Students) with the effective courses as well as the tools necessary to implement it. Meanwhile, the college will apply “Kaizen” concept of Continues improvement in offering premium quality education to the students. Phnom Penh | Cambodia

13 Controls This marketing plan is served as a guide for monitoring the performance of the organization; as following; Revenue margin per term & annual Expenses monthly & yearly Student’s feedback, comment & recommendation New development of events & workshops Phnom Penh | Cambodia

14 References (1) http://www.raffles-education- (2) (3) Phnom Penh | Cambodia

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