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John Mowry Community College of Rhode Island. IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 ACL Types: Numbered Standard Numbered Extended Named Standard Named Extended.

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Presentation on theme: "John Mowry Community College of Rhode Island. IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 ACL Types: Numbered Standard Numbered Extended Named Standard Named Extended."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Mowry Community College of Rhode Island

2 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 ACL Types: Numbered Standard Numbered Extended Named Standard Named Extended

3 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv6 ACL Types: Named Extended

4 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 ACL Mask: Wildcard Mask 0’s Must Match 1’s Don’t Care

5 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv6 ACL Mask: Prefix Only Note: Limits the ability to identify odd or even or other address manipulation.

6 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 Example: Ip access-list standard ODD Permit This example looks for and allows only the odd addresses in the subnet.

7 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 Association: On Line Interfaces such as VTY Access-class [number, name] [in, out] On Interfaces such as Serial or Ethernet Ip access-group [number, name] [in, out]

8 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv6 Association: On Line Interfaces such as VTY Access-class [name] [in, out] On Interfaces such as Serial or Ethernet Ipv6 traffic-filter [name] [in, out]

9 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 and IPv6 Multiple ACL’s per interface: Same One ACL Per Protocol Per Interface Per Direction

10 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 and IPv6 Multiple ACL’s per interface: Allowed to have both an IPv4 and an IPv6 ACL on a single interface.

11 IPv4 versus IPv6 ACL’s IPv4 and IPv6 Deny Statements Both have an implicit “deny any” statement ending the list

12 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Identify the name of the ACL Ipv6 access-list [Name]

13 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Identify the permitted or denied traffic of the ACL Permit [ipv6, tcp, udp….] [host, any, address/prefix] [eq, gt, lt, established,….] [protocol]

14 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Note: Using the “established” keyword in Packet Tracer 6.2® does not function

15 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Identify the permitted or denied traffic of the ACL Example: Permit ipv6 2001:0:0:3::0/0 2001:0:0:5::1/128 Permit ipv6 any host 2001:0:0:5::1

16 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Identify the permitted or denied traffic of the ACL /0 equals the keyword “any” /128 equals the keyword “host”

17 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Construct an IPv6 ACL: ipv6 access-list MY_ACL permit tcp any host 2001:0:0:6::1 eq www permit tcp any eq 8080 host 2001:0:0:6::1 eq www deny ipv6 any host 2001:0:0:6::1 permit ipv6 any any

18 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Apply an IPv6 ACL: interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 Ipv6 traffic-filter MY_ACL out

19 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Questions?

20 Configuring an IPv6 ACL Thank You! Now it’s LAB time!

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