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Nutrient Overview Nutrients Why isn’t alcohol a nutrient? The 6 essential nutrients and their basic functions What is a calorie? Recommended Dietary Allowances.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrient Overview Nutrients Why isn’t alcohol a nutrient? The 6 essential nutrients and their basic functions What is a calorie? Recommended Dietary Allowances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrient Overview Nutrients Why isn’t alcohol a nutrient? The 6 essential nutrients and their basic functions What is a calorie? Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) How are they useful?

2 What is a Nutrient? Any substance that the body can use for nourishment: provide energy, maintain and repair tissues, or regulate functions. Alcohol provides energy but it doesn’t provide nourishment to the body. It is a toxin when consumed in large amounts. Phytochemicals aren’t nutrients but they do contribute to our health.

3 Essential Nutrients Essential Nutrients: Nutrients the body can’t make. They are required in our diet for good health. Non-Essential Nutrients: Nutrients the body can make, i.e. cholesterol

4 6 Types of Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates -simple & complex sugars Proteins -9 essential amino acids Fats -2 essential fatty acids (omega 3 & 6) Vitamins -13 Minerals -15 Water

5 3 Basic Functions of Nutrients Provide Energy Contribute to Cell and Body Structure Regulate Body Processes CarbohydratesProteinVitamins FatsMinerals ProteinWater

6 What is a calorie? The way we measure the energy that food provides Amount of heat to raise 1 liter of water 1 degrees Celsius (you don’t need to know) Most energy rich nutrient is fat

7 Calories from Energy Nutrients Alcohol contributes 7 cal/g, but not a nutrient. Energy NutrientEnergy Carbohydrate4 cal/g Protein4 cal/g Fat9 cal/g

8 Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) Based on review of scientific research Recommendations are categorized by age, gender and whether pregnant or lactating Meets the needs of virtually all healthy people in the U.S. (97.5%). They are safe and adequate intakes that include a generous margin of safety.

9 Recommended DIETARY Allowances Safe and adequate amount to consume

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