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Accomplishments of the Progressives. To Improve Democracy and break the power of the political machines Secret Ballot Initiative, Referendum, Recall New.

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Presentation on theme: "Accomplishments of the Progressives. To Improve Democracy and break the power of the political machines Secret Ballot Initiative, Referendum, Recall New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accomplishments of the Progressives

2 To Improve Democracy and break the power of the political machines Secret Ballot Initiative, Referendum, Recall New styles of city governments –City manager style – hire “manager” –Commission style – board of commissioners 17 th Amendment – direct election of US Senators 19 th Amendment – Women’s right to vote

3 To break the power of monopolies and restore competition TRUSTBUSTING Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) –Strengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act –Labor unions and farm cooperatives were exempt from anti-trust actions Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) –Created regulatory agency to investigate and take action against unfair trade practices

4 To provide consumer protection Meat Inspection Act –Federal inspectors in meatpacking plants to ensure they met minimum standards of sanitation Pure Food & Drug Act –Prohibited manufacture, sale, and transportation of adulterated or mislabeled foods and drugs

5 To promote conservation of natural resources Forest Reserve Act –TR set aside 150 million acres of federal land as a national reserve, not to be sold to private interests Newlands Reclamation Act –Irrigation projects in western states National Conservation Commission –Promote conservation by state governments → State Parks

6 To improve the quality of life for people of the U.S. Child Labor laws Better schools –Free kindergarten, night schools Safety in the workplace –Fire safety, limit hours, minimum wage, workers’ compensation Prohibition – 18 th Amendment TR’s “Square Deal” for labor –1902 Coal miners strike – TR threatened to use federal troops against owners

7 To restore conditions of free and fair competition in the economy Underwood Tariff (1913) lowered tariff for 1 st time in 50 years Federal Reserve Act (1914) – created national banking system with 12 district banks supervised by a Federal Reserve Board – issue currency, adjust interest rates and reserve ratios for member banks

8 The Election of 1912

9 Republican Party Candidate William Howard Taft More conservative approach to Progressive reform Actually broke up more trusts than TR did Defended an increased tariff in the Payne-Aldrich Tariff His Sec. of the Interior Ballinger opened public lands in Alaska for private development

10 Democratic Party Candidate Woodrow Wilson Former President of Princeton University Governor of New Jersey Promised a “New Freedom” which would limit big business and big government, bring reform by ending corruption and revive competition by supporting small business

11 Progressive “Bull Moose” Party Candidate Theodore Roosevelt Former President Promised a “New Nationalism” with more government regulation of business & unions, women’s suffrage, and more social welfare programs- strong federal government regulations helping the people

12 Socialist Party Candidate Eugene Debs Believed that capitalism should be replaced with socialism Ideas were considered too radical for U.S.

13 Results

14 Importance of the Election of 1912 Presence of “third party” effected outcome of race TR ran the role of “spoiler” (If TR couldn’t win, neither would Taft) Split in Republican party enabled Democratic candidate to win


16 Progressive Movement died out in 1920 Many reforms adopted – goals were met People lacked enthusiasm World War I and its aftermath left people apathetic

17 Lasting Effects of Progressive Era Government was responsible for people’s well-being We could meet problems of urbanization and industrialization Belief that a President should be a strong and effective national leader (TR – stewardship theory)

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