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Neurogenic bladder By Cindy Mendez. ETIOLOGY  Loss of voluntary voiding control –Manifested by retention or incontinence  Caused by a lesion to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Neurogenic bladder By Cindy Mendez. ETIOLOGY  Loss of voluntary voiding control –Manifested by retention or incontinence  Caused by a lesion to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neurogenic bladder By Cindy Mendez

2 ETIOLOGY  Loss of voluntary voiding control –Manifested by retention or incontinence  Caused by a lesion to the nervous system –Congenital, –Traumatic, –disease  Interrupting the conduction

3 ETIOLOGY  Two types of neurogenic bladder –spastic  Caused by a lesion above, at the voiding reflex.  resulting in loss of sensation to void and loss of motor control –Bladder may also atrophies, decreasing bladder capacity

4 ETIOLOGY –Flaccid  Lesion on the lower motor neuron  Bladder Continues to fill and extend fill and extend  Pooling of urine and incomplete emptying –Causing urine stasis, and possible infection

5 Clinical manifestations  Infection –From urinary stasis –And catherization  Retention –May lead to back up of urine  Distention –Of any of the structures in the urinary track causing discomfort

6 Assessment  Diaphoresis, flushing and nausea prior to reflex incontinenc.  Infrequent voiding  Urinary incontinence  Assess for: –congenital abnormalities –neurological disease –Or spinal cord injury

7 Diagnostics  To asses the type and extent of damage to the bladder and any other urinary system structures –BUN –Creatinine levels –And radiograph studies to check for structural changes that have occurred

8 Medical management  Parasympathomimetic ( urecholine) –Increase bladder contractility  Catherization –To relieve distention  Sacral modulation and stimulation –To reduce urinary urge incontinence  The Interstim device –To reduce overactive bladder or stimulate an under-active bladder

9 Pelvic floor muscles affected by neurogenic bladder

10 Nursing interventions patient teaching  Establish urinary elimination  Bladder training ( with or with out self stimulation) every 2 hrs  Having patient recognize signs of distention  Supportive sensitive environment to have patient discuss feelings and self image adaptation

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